Home Security?


New member
Hey guys i have been thinking.. (partly in thanks to it takes a theif on the descovery channel) and what have you guys done for home security?

probably one of the bigest things i saw was making sure deadbolts are installed and always locked.. as well as windows..

other things like alarm systems seem to deture them well..

i was just thinking that a good security system installed is probably the best thing.. if i could i would have reed swichs on all of the doors and windows in the house. as well as shock sensors on the glass.. a large auduable alarm *one that chould wake you out of a dead sleep as well as the nabors* and police contact..

a firearm is great but if the theif cant get in thats the best right?


(PS in the show it took the guys around 10 minutes to clean out the house by that time i doubt that anyone would of even been able to respond)
Good lighting outside, a hardened perimeter, and a big dog to keep the BG busy for a bit. THEN you get to the hardware. A big bore handgun is nice, a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with something like slugs or #1 shot is better. YMMV
I have dead bolts .. i have lots of bars on the windows.. but i also have a beautiful Grandma that likes to open the door and take flyers from strangers, talk to the religious groups that walk arround. I love her a lot but that lady is 88 and grew up in a time where people trusted everyone, except commies. So now i just put a lock on my room door too. Last week she was offering coffee to some jojoboboa witnesses and talked to them so much that they wanted to leave. They could not wait to get away from the door. That was sorta funny. :D
sounds good guys i was just wondering how many of us here aucully have taken good messures to keep our homes and famleys safe...
the firearm under my pilliow should be a last resort right ;-)
Everything Dusty said is true, . . . and for most cases will work.

One suggestion, however, was given me a few years ago, and it came out of a local LEO conference of some sorts.

Re think the idea of massive flood lighting around the outside. While it allows the folks inside to see outside, . . . it also allows the bg outside to see outside. Especially if there are "things" to be filched outside, exterior lighting aids the crook more than the good guys was their contention.

Also the fact that the bg has to supply his own light source (which makes him REALLY position himself) works to the favor of the good guys.

Our place is cemetary dark once we have shut down for the evening, . . . any lights going on outside are automatically bg's.

May God bless,

PS: This only works if you are a substantial distance from others, as we are, my nearest neighbor is 1200 feet away.
Where I live, all the LEO's we've known tell us a good vocal dog is one of the best deterrents to thieves. My GSD only barks inside the house when he hears unusual sounds outside.
Once a week or so I have my wife mess her hair up, put on this shaggy old pink robe and some big goofy slippers, walk into the yard and start blasting away randomly with a 12 ga. while she's yelling the lyrics to "singing in the rain". NO ONE ever comes to our house!!!! :rolleyes:
Good Locks, Good Lights, A Good Plan, A Good Pistol, A Good Shotgun, A Good Flashlight and most of all, A Good Dog who will let you know when someone comes to visit.

Jungle Work