Home Security Help


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Wise TLFers I have a question regarding home security. I am considering a DIY system for my home. I don't need lazers and death rays however I would like something to make a ton of noise.

We have recently moved to a large place in the country :). However in my old place I could literally hear anything from any part of the small little three bedroom ski house.

Now it becomes apparent to me that there is no way I'm hearing anything from one end of this place to the other. Therefore I am thinking of a DIY home security solution.

Obviously lock upgrades and door braces are already underway or already in place. Every window has a lock and many have stoppers that only allow the window to open a few inches or so.

I already have outdoor motion lights installed and a retriever who has quite the mouth on her when needed.

I am tempted to purchase a wireless DIY system and simply hook it up to an auto dialer with 911 and a few other select numbers. Anyone have any experience with these systems or wisdom to share.

Regards, Vermonter

You're going to get a lot of other suggestions but a flock of geese will not only announce visitors, they serve and protect and have been know to attack trespassers.
Want noise made? Considered one of these?


Geese can make noise and they will attack but you can train a dog to not poop on every thing. Geese, not so much...
First, I don't work for an 'alarm company'. I have not done install work for alarm systems. But I have worked for a number of years responding to alarms and monitoring the systems.

If you decide to go that route...

Door contacts and window contacts are a plus. Motion sensors are useful only in certain situations. Put motion sensors in places where people/pets don't go after 'lights out'. You've got a dog, if the dog has free access at night to the kitchen, living rooms and bedrooms then don't put a motion detector there. You don't want to put one in the kitchen when you have a habit of getting warm milk in the middle of the night. Basement, garage or any areas puppy doesn't have access to, Yes.

Alarm companies can suspend service due to too many false alarms. Police can also 'suspend' response for alarms unless there is confirmation of activity.

Every alarm point beyond the package they sell you might cost extra. Maintenance could be an issue, but sure to get a good maintenance/service agreement or it will get expensive to keep having the techs come out.

The expense, just be ready for the expense if you can afford it, by all means they are worth it. Heck, just having alarm companies place signs in your yard can be enough to keep nosy people out.

Don't tell your kids the code. They'll share with friends or learn the system better than you do, and disable a certain bedroom window.

I find my large lab mix does a pretty good job letting me know when he hears something not right.

I do agree with Mike. Geese make great guardians. ;)
The OP says he already has a dog. So apparently he'd also like something electronic he can set up on his own.

If anyone knows about such things and has some information that might be useful to the OP, please contribute. If not, please don't clutter up this thread.
I have a nasty habit of shooting geese. As frank said I am looking for diy solutions. I know through my profession that VSP has many non response alarms. I am thinking about something to alert me and possibly the police.
Regards, Vermonter
The only thing I can contribute is possibly installing cameras around your property such as entrances, doors, fences, and front gate. You can install the main TV monitor(s) in your bedroom to see any activity happening outside from the safety of the your room. this can be done as an easy DIY project if you do some research, and i'm sure they already have them set up as packages if you shop around.
First make sure the local Police will even respond to an auto-dialer many do not and require the system to be monitored.

I would recommend getting a quote from an alarm company for a basic monitored system before you proceed with a DYI system. You might find that a professional turnkey system may be a better deal in the long run.

Make sure that whatever system you settle on can be expanded later in case you notice a “gap” in your coverage.

Be sure your system has a very loud interior siren which can be very disorienting for the burglars.

Another thing to consider is adding fire detection to your system.

Also, recently I had a cellular dialer installed on my system eliminating the concern of bad guys snipping the phone line.
Think about what the bad-guy wants and work backwards from there.

Bad-guys wants:

They want to enter easily
They want to enter quickly
They want to enter without much noise
If cant enter quickly, they want to work unseen or obscured from passerbys.
They want to use doors rather than windows
They want a place to stage a vehicle that doesnt look out of place
They want to enter and exit property unseen if possible (woods/backdoor)

Take a look at your landscape.. bushes, trees, lay of the land. Look at your house from the road or how others see it. Make a effort to open up a clear view so that neighbors or passerbys could notice something odd.

Harden doors and add exrta storm or glass door.
get a dog
get camera or dummy camera
add lights
get timers for lights
storm windows

make it look like people are around or make it difficult to tell one way or the other. I like garage radio on timer... and a extra vehicle around when I am gone. Put several pair of muddy boots on the porch ( big size 15)

its all about making them want to go somewhere else.. its just a mind game.
My experience with "monitored services" has been less than satisfactory. Specifically, my brother in law had a system installed by ADT. The system included fire and intrusion. He was died in a fire when his home burned. The only response ADT made was when they contacted me, I was his emergency contact, when he had not paid his bill for three months.

Harbor freight has some reasonably priced wireless Video systems. Their quality is somewhat iffy. When you find a set up that works they will run for several years. I went through three systems until I got one that works. It has been operational for three years.

Simple noise makers such as an empty soft drink can with 13 pennies inside with the hole taped over is effective. Simply place them in a position were the intruder will knock them over. They are also effective in training your dog not to get up on the counters.

CAUTION: Any bars or strong closer devices must be easily removable by the occupants otherwise dieting in a fire is a real possibility. Murphy's laws of ware are applicable.

If the enemy can't get in you can't get out.

Big dogs, unless trained, are intimidating but easily dispatched by a competent intruder. Small yappy dust mop ankle biters (small terrier breeds) are excellent targeting systems. They yip and run and bite at the intruder. The intruder cannot reach them as they retreat under and around obstacles and furniture.

Good luck on you project.
Google is your friend here. Wireless Home Security Systems. Lots of places to purchase. Look at the one's that have Star ratings and read them. Some offer motion detectors with "Pet Alley's" in them. That means they do not see an area below 3-4 feet off the floor. Some of the places offer monitoring for as little as 9.95 per month. I did not see one that offered Cellular monitoring although there may be one out there. Me, I have a monitored system that uses internet and cellular monitoring paths. Loud interior sirens and re-enforced doors. You should have doors that have deadbolts on both sides of them. This way however they got in they will go back out, usually not the re-enforced door. Yes I did work for a Security Company back in the 1980's. My house is wired with every window and door monitored and 3 Dual Technology Motions. Dual Technology is Radar plus Infrared. This means that heat moving across a detector will not set it off unless there is something for the radar to detect.
Good Luck with your system.
There are all kinds of cheap camera systems on line. Get one with a DVR that does remote monitoring and you can monitor on line. You can store your feed on line so that even if someone steals your whole house you can retrieve it from the internet.

Camera motion sensors are poor in general. Something close to the camera (like a moth) will set it off.

You will need to do some analysis of your house to determine how many cameras you need to cover all entry points. Don't forget that with an outdoor camera you can conceal the camera and point the camera at the house to cover multiple entries.
Ok local pd will respond to auto dialers I asked thanks for the tip. VSP covers my local area and they will respond.

Response time is on The slower side of the national average. therefore I am concerned about noise as well. ADT is my only local option and I read terrible reviews about them. Cameras seem like overkill. I am looking for any info on specific brands etc.
My Brother has installed a system he got at Radio shack in his home. The system is not monitored, but I think it could be if he wanted to set it up.

Another thing to keep in mind if you do go with a monitored system is to try and avoid signing a monitoring contract. The company that I use simply charges me a month to month rate and I can drop it at any time. Some companies offer slightly lower rates, but try to lock you in for several years of monitoring.

Yu thinking great right now,

consider the motion detectors to silhouette your perimeter and NOT illuminate you. Set the sensors to activate above a Lab / Shepard body, this will mean illumination on the various deer around.

What type drive into your place? Can you run a motion detector to announce passage incoming??

Good luck.
Go to Amazon or aasalarm.com and check out the cellular auto-dialer systems there. I have their big system, it works just fine, and the sheriff responds to calls, no monitoring service needed.

I have not hooked up the motion detectors, just the door/window alarms, the sirens, and the dialing apparatus. I might hook up a couple of cameras later on, but I'm thinking that's not necessary.

You need to plan on spending at least $300 for a simple system. Each and every window and door needs monitored, including outbuildings, and it needs to be cellular to avoid the failure of the system when your phone line is cut. You need to be able to arm/disarm the house by Zones, an important feature.