some help
I parked the gun and sealed the finish with oil. After letting it sit for a couple of days, I then degreased it and then used the Oxpho Blue gel on it. I use cotton balls to swab it on. Little tip for you, swab it on and let it sit there, don't wipe it all around. If it looks like it is drying, swab some more on. I let it sit for 2 minutes making sure to keep it wet. Then wipe it almost completely clean and burnish the part with an oil free piece of steel wool. You can buy steel wool and soak it in laquer thinner and then light it on fire to burn all the oil off, or you can look at and buy their version of oil free synthetic wool. I use this on steel as well as wood just like steel wool. I apply three coats most of the time following the same directions. After the last coat, I apply breakfree clp aand let it sit for a few days. Then just wipe the oil off and look at the results. If you like what you have, apply a light touch of oil and you're done. If not, just follow the same directions making sure to degrease the part each time before you start.
Shorts, I would check with a local gunsmith. He shouldn't charge too much to simply blast the gun for you if you have it broken down and ready for him to do without other labor. I will take in a gun from someone every now and then that only want me to blast it for them and will run it through when I have a couple more to do. Beats having to spend the $300-400 dollars for the compressor and blasting caibnet if you don't really need them.