Home Owner Holds Robbery Suspects at Gunpoint

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The homeowner says he’s had to do this 15-20 times over the years, as the area continues to be hit by break-in’s.

Jeepers. Can you say "buy a friggin' alarm!"!?:eek:

Typically not the wisest course of action, but I'm glad that it worked for the good guy.
Why should have to buy an alarm?

Well, I guess he shouldn't have to, but I'd question why he wouldn't WANT to buy one. Personally, I'd get no joy out of chasing evil doers away from my property, especially knowing that any given one of them at any given time might very well be armed. I'd MUCH rather let the signs indicating the presence of an alarm system deter most of them, and the blaring siren deter yet more of them. The ones who aren't deterred by either can wait for the cops. I'm not dying for stuff in a barn. That's what insurance is for. The cops can look at the film footage and go arrest the freaks.
Reports of crimes, in and of themselves, do not meet the criteria for discussion in the L&CR forum.

Sorry, but there must be some tangible civil rights or legal issues (other than the crime itself) present.

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