Home made laser sights legality?

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Deja vu

New member
So my nephew brought home this handheld green laser that is so bright that it can pop balloons and start fires.

While this would not be very practical on a firearm I am wondering if it would be legal. The size is too big for a firearm in my opinion. Its about the size of the old police flashlights that used 4 D cell batteries so this is jut an academic question.

The laser is a class 4 laser meaning you have to wear special sun glasses when using it because it can toast your eyes. People say its about as bright as a welder. :eek:

so basically I know its a bad idea and I wont do it I am just wandering if its legal.
Higher powered lasers are not generally illegal. Why would they be? They're about as dangerous as a match or welder or Fresnel lens and a lot less dangerous than a gun.

I see no reason why it'd be illegal on a gun either, though I also see no reason/benefit for it.
Power level limits are set by the Code of Federal Regulations for laser pointers at 5 milliwatts. I see no mention of more powerful lasers being "illegal"; just potentially dangerous.
Not sure if limits are for manufacturers or refer to private ownership.

First gun control, now laser control??? Buck rogers is shaking his head in disgust:D
There's a legal limit to how powerful a laser can be and be marketed as a "pointer" but more powerful lasers are perfectly legal.
The legal issues will revolve not around the thing itself -- but how it's used and the consequences.

So if you use it in a way that results in someone's property being burned or someone being injured, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll have legal problems.

But this really isn't a proper subject for T&T.
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