Home invasions on rise


New member
We are having a spate of home invasions in this area. Providence has been congratulating themselves on the low murder rate in 1998 and have had 21 so far this year. I’m sure that the mayor’s solution wil;l be more calls for more gun laws. This from the Providence Journal-Bulletin:

3 suspects sought after home invasion

Gunmen shot at police through a door; injured
officer is released from hospital
Journal Staff Writer

PROVIDENCE -- Danilo Santos was putting the trash out Wednesday night
when two men wearing masks came upon him behind his Elmwood
Avenue home and pressed gun barrels into his forehead and neck,
demanding money.

So began a house invasion in which a policeman was shot in the leg and
one of the assailants was wounded in return.
"Emelia Rodriguez had spotted the confrontation between Santos and the gunmen from a second-floor window and had called 911 but hung up, Ortega said.

The 911 operator called back, but by that time, the two gunmen had already forced their way up the back stairs into the apartment, and they ripped the phone from the wall, according to Ortega."

Tell me again that I don't need a firearm for self-protection "because you can always call 911". This is from the land of the late, unlamented "Mr. Anti-Gun" Rep. Chaffee.

You can give 'em your .02 worth, but you have to register (no biggie) -- http://www.projo.com/twocents/get/news.html

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Note also how the address of the apartment is published. This is SOP here. They will continue to do so until they get someone killed. At that time they will "consider" changing their policy.
This story nicely points up the dangers of Condition White. Even when I'm just taking out the trash or working on my truck, I'm armed.

Bottom line: there is *no* safe place... especially when the friggin' noosepapers insist on publicizing the addresses of the UNARMED victims.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
The newspaper industrie really sucks!!
My car was broken into at work(in a warehouse) they did not get all of my stereo equipment and work equipment but the paper goes and puts my address and everything right in the paper.should have just made a column for Crooks.listing address of peopleon vacation the SOB's.Of course this was an invitation for them to finish my car and they did.
Kicker was never even notified it would be in paper to see if i aprove.

"Guns are no more responsible for killing people than the spoon is responsible for making Rosie O'Donnell fat."