Home Invasion Pitt County JUN2011


New member

this article is fron channel 12 news and dated 30JUN2011 (11:06 PM)

hopefully this is in the right area, but I have to give major props to this Deacon for defending his home. He didn't shoot until the invader's weapon was raised against him(or so says the article). He confronted the two indivduals who broke into his home early wednesday morning, but as to the exact situation is anyone's guess. The three individuals know exactly what happened(one of whom is unidentified & still on the loose by the way).

just like the tactics forum title describes: "the best defense is a quick, hard offense"

any thoughts on this incident? I am glad this man is ok and good with a firearm! these situations aren't ok. someone spoke on another thread recently about the willingness of these guys to just invade someone's home. it is shameful and extremely dangerous for families out there just trying to live life - one of the exact reasons why I choose to carry...
It seems to be more and more the norm to hear/read stories like this. More and more people are defending themselves and not leaving it up to the local authorities.

I feel that crime/criminals is rising faster than law enforcement can keep up.

Or perhaps we just hear more about it nowadays. In either case, I commend the homeowner. But another question I always have with these type of things, will it change the criminals mindset, or will they in general expect more confrontations like this and arm themselves with weapons for a house break in?
bdc2020 said:
"But another question I always have with these type of things, will it change the criminals mindset, or will they in general expect more confrontations like this and arm themselves with weapons for a house break in?"
There may be a few burglars out there who plan for house break-ins with military precision, but its far more often a crime of opportunity and/or an impulse crime to obtain money for drugs. Most of these guys are not into long-range in-depth planning. I suspect the majority of criminals doing house break-ins are not going to alter their tactics...
good question

But another question I always have with these type of things, will it change the criminals mindset, or will they in general expect more confrontations like this and arm themselves with weapons for a house break in?

I tend to agree w/Doc's response, but it does make you think that these robbers have worse odds these days. It's a dangerous game & not worth the price to play.
Confronted ? If armed men break down your door you should fire immediately .No talk , no hesitation , your life is on the line !!
Anyone who comes into my home uninvited with anything metallic in their hand will meet Hornady TAP 00 12Ga buckshot, no questions asked. Damn good job by an older gentleman with every right to defend himself.

Also really heartening to see the 100% supportive comments section. Nice to see our society still has enough common sense to acknowledge the right of an old man to defend himself.
Glad this 77 year old male had the smarts to be armed and know how to use them. If he wasn't armed, he might not be here any longer.
lawscholar said:
Also really heartening to see the 100% supportive comments section. Nice to see our society still has enough common sense to acknowledge the right of a man to defend himself.

Fixed it for ya:)
More and more people are defending themselves and not leaving it up to the local authorities.

The authorities simply (under normal conditions) cant make it to your house as fast as your dominant hand can take control of a weapon and thus fightback against BG's, the same is true on the street.

In some cases the police never even make it to the incident because in some cases they are so overtasked that they simply cant be everywhere..
This particular situation happened very close to where I live. The overwhelming public reaction has been very supportive of the homeowner, as it should be. I say: Bravo for him!
Pertinent story... Thanks for the link... No fear at 77... Gotta love it.
Thing about older folks is, generally speaking (if the mind is still relatively sharp), we KNOW right from wrong and we aren't afraid to die... We often tend to teach wayward younguns good life lessons when called to it. In this type of situation, if a lesson requires hot lead... so be it. It's all part of the BIG PLAN.
Well done to the Deacon, the Cops, the Prosecuter and the Media. It is good to see a reasonable response by all concerned in this incident.

Unfortunately, I am not sure the outcome would have been the same in other jurisdictions. Pima and Pinal counties in AZ are among those locations.