Home invasion---Halloween style.


Well, I did it again...won a bet that I didn't want to.
I bet some of the office guys with Halloween in soCal that someone will use it for a home invasion.
Sure enough, someone rang the doorbell for trick or treating...the news said 5 to 8 home invaders hit the house once the door was opened.

Sad to say, our defense to that has been, cut off the outside lights and go out to dinner at some restaurant that we can see all the little guys in their costumes as they do their trick or treating in the local mall.
We don't open our house for Halloween anymore.
I sit on my front porch, lights on and discreetly armed w/ my dog at my side, and hand out treats to the little guys. Went through three big baskets of candy this year. I'll be damned if the dirtsax are going to ruin everything for everybody without me digging my heels in.
We always have the carved "punkin" lighted and in the window, and a large basket of candy for the kids.

When we open the door, I'm always with my wife and my Colt's .45 Lightweight Commander is in my holster under a loose shirt. Just an insurance policy.

We had a lot of fun this year and saw some great costumes. Around here (not like Los Angeles), the kids say "Thank you."
