Home Invasion - Everybody Got Shot


New member
This story is true and it happened here in the Amazon where I've been living for the past 30 years. About 25 years ago, a couple from the States finished a tour with some tourists and went to bed in there home located in a little river town not far from the big city. Well, that night, 3 guys crashed into to their bedroom each holding a shotgun (single shot, 16 gauge type). They knew the gringos had finished a tour and therefore had money. Money was demanded. The gringo made the decision that this was it, they were going to kill him and his wife after they got the money. The gringo got out of bed and gt his money box just a few feet from his bed. Fortunately, he had a S & W Chief's Special in the money box, given to him by one of the tourists. The gringo had the advantage of surprise, but with no cover, it was over in a few seconds. The gringo fired first and then all hell broke loose. His wife, still in bed, had a front row seat as the bullets flew and she survived unhurt but scraded as hell. Her husband was shot and he would have bled to death had she not got him to the big city hospital that late night to patch him up. An hour ride in the middle of the night down the Amazon river with no lights in a fast speed boat. He lost a finger or two on each hand and they picked some pellets out of him at the hospital, but he survived. Two of the bad guys were shot dead and the third ran for it after firing. He was later captured and put away.

What's to learn about that situation.

1. Don't underestimate a S&W J-frame with 5 shots at close range.
2. Don't let anyone know you have any money - The bad guys knew.
3. Have an early warning system so you aren't surprised while at home.
4. Have a loaded gun within arms length while in bed.
5. Hope they don't have shotguns.

Anything to add?
Agreed. It's an atypical incident.

Also, while a good story, it appears to be undocumented. If it can't ne firmly established through reliable sources that it actually happened as described, it's just an entertaining yarn.
I believe they are measuring against other instances of home invasion, not whether or not home invasions are commonplace.

It all sounds a bit suspect to me though, various parts just don't seem to line up , all possible, but it doesn't seem probable.
has the earmarks of an urban legend of sorts

It's all possible, of course, and also has plausibility in that it happened ex-US so would be hard to track down. It also contains a couple of other well-known sayings:

1) A Smith and Wesson beats 4 aces
2) A Smith and Wesson also beats 3 <---->
3) The sound of racking a single-shot 16 ga shotgun will not necessarily send anyone running.

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This happened 25 years ago in a jungle and it's just being posted here in America. Apparently home/cabin/tent invasions happen in every corner of the world. Nothing new or learned from someone who lives in a metro city. Just hope you are never a victim. Some are scare tactics while others turn into a tragic situation.
Typical Americans [and others ] who are away from home on vacation think it's just like home and can be very naive. One of the GPS stories is the group from Norway who were driving through somewhere in South America. They got a bit confused so they looked at the GPS map and went from point A to point B ,their destination. They drove right through an area controlled by drug gangs and were immediately fired at !:eek:
In some areas you may be safe in the hotel but outside especially at night you are a target. Take some street smarts when you travel. Since you might not be able to carry your pistol street smarts may permit you to avoid trouble.
A general summary could be stated as: There are the have, and the have nots.

If you are among the haves, then you must be prepared for the have nots to break in at the least convenient time to take what you have.

Always, as in any tactical situation, be prepared. In this case, as in the case of protecting your tent, home, abode, or what have you, be prepared with anything that will help you be anything but totally defenseless.

I have been the victim of a home invasion robbery in which I was caught off guard and must have scared the heck out of the robbers who, apparently, did not think I was at home. I was shot and left for dead. I played dead which I believe is why I am here to tell the tale.

I now have a gun on my person most all the time. There are several hidden about the house. Every gun in my safe is loaded and ready to be fired immediately if the need ever arises. I sleep with a gun on my night table and a shotgun and AR above the bed in a rack. I have a state of the art alarm system which includes radio communication in the event the phone lines and electricity are disabled. And last but not least in my faithful, loving pet that is my early warning system that something is rotten in Denmark.
Thanks for your cordial comments

I thank you all for your helpful comments. I guess what happens is that we never think that the forces of darkness will ever decend upon us. So, therefore why worry about it.

Life is generally peaceful down here, because I can count no more than a handful of nasty, deadly incidents. Most could have been avoided if they got some advice from this forum.

Thanks again.