Home Invasion dream


This occured in the middle of a rather weird (normal for me) dream, I was on the roof of my house at night trying to keep an ATV which somehow got up there from falling down either of the peaks (my roof is a little complex, flat areas, peaks, additional stories with peaks, etc) after having originally gone up there to prevent one of my cats from having babies on the roof in the rain or something. Like I said, weird dream. The ATV was either ultra-light or I was super-strong, as I held it with one hand and kept pulling it back up.

Down in the long U driveway, I saw some people in the three or five range going towards the house.
They didn't belong here. I hung around for a bit trying to keep myself and the ATV quiet, and after what seemed like a short eternity, I got along the back of the roof and went in my bathroom window and went straight for my bedroom. In my closet I had a beloved 20 gauge shotgun that I sold years ago (joy, I loved that 870) and I put on my gun muffs and started loading it. I was almost done when the first couple of people (two to three) came in my door. (crap, dawdled too much!) I immediately raised the shotgun and the proverbial SHTF.

They're shooting me, I'm shooting for the head or neck of one of the guys (the shotgun is loaded with slugs or large shot, one or the other) and tag him good and hard. He doesn't go down, or if he does I don't notice. I'm being shot continually, and it feels like being hit with a BB gun. Either they aren't well armed, or I'm superman, or on amphetamines. Maybe I had body armor. In the dream, I rationalized it as due to my reading about how people can have the mindset to not go down when shot, and kept advancing while shooting, they're retreating and returning fire. We shoot it out through my office and into the central upstairs hall, I'm trying to take down as many as possible but they don't seem to go down that well. I don't remember any specific deaths, anyway. At one point the shotgun jams or something, the pump action didn't go right (maybe user error) but I got it going. When I was out of shotgun shells, I woke up.

In retrospect, I should have got my rifle and used that instead. Time to buy a FAL though. Oh, and the gun muffs worked really well.

Morning edit: in the meantime, I stashed my 30-30 under the bed, loaded with 150-grain Silvertips and hooked my muffs around the stock, along with a bandolier of extra ammo, and inner earplugs in case I have time to double up.
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Next time just aim the ATV in their direction and let it drop. Yell," Hallooooooooooooo!" just like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh when he got stuck up a tree. If that doesn't disorient and scare them away at least it will buy enough time to load up.
Okay, it's not supposed to make sense... it's a dream! You might as well have fun with it! :p

I have gotton 'shot' in dreams several times and I does feel like a pellet gun or something. I would say that the 'atv thing' is the weirdest part. :p :) :)
When I was a kid I ALWAYS missed my target when shooting a firearm. (Always a handgun.)

Since I've been shooting, in my dreams involving firearms, I always hit the target on the first shot. The BGs always drop with one round to the chest.
The thing that sticks in my mind is when I got caught just finishing loading and knew that I could put the gun down and surrender, or start shooting and almost certainly be shot. Icky feeling.
Had a dream the other night in which I shot a woman foe across the bridge of the nose, exactly where I was aiming. Could hardly believe it when it happened. Saw it in almost slo-mo too. Usually I can't pull the trigger or if I do, I jerk it so bad I always miss.
