Home Invasion - Domestic Assault gunfight.


New member
This was previously presented on another part of the forum, but closed due to being a drive-by.
But it deserves further conversation.
First look at the video, if you haven't.
Pay particular attention to the ten bullet holes in the neighbors' house, across the street.
And also to the history of the people involved, the escalation of the situation, the son being in the military, the failure of the legal system, and the violent entry.
Lots of particulars to discuss here.
What Venom said, particularly in light of the unfortunate domestic shooting over in Speing Texas this week.
Guys, I am pretty knowledgeable about guns, but a lot less so about the internet.
So....would someone here please explain to me what is meant by the phrase "Drive-by"?
Tenn. Shootout

It would be interesting to learn what type of cartridges were being used. We've all heard of the "nightmare" of shots fired for a good purpose missing the target & hurting someone in a neighboring house or apartment. Many people buy cartridges with avoiding that type of result in mind.
Thanks Wyosmith, for asking and GEARHEAD_ENG for the answer on that question. After a 33 year absence from duty carrying and shooting to buying my first gun seven years ago, I too was left guessing what that variation of "Drive-by" meant.
in my opinion... the phrase "dive by" is an unfortunate and non-descriptive name... of course everyone gets confused and has to have it explained, how could it be otherwise.
Regarding the OP...

1. What failure of the legal system? Restraining orders don't work. Lautenberg punishes innocent people and doesn't work. Can't (and shouldn't) detain innocent people. No real failure, and I for one don't like the over-abused restraining order laws.

2. Life advice - don't date or have kids with jerks. Raise children with values, relationship skills, and not to get into these messy relationships.

3. This played out precisely how it should. Murderous jerk attacks someone, and home owner has a gun and defends himself successfully.

A blunt response, but the only "issues" I see is the 10 misses that hit the neighbor's home. And the fact that the guy gained entry. People should build stronger castles. But in reality, that's nearly impossible to keep out a determined person.

Homeowner +1
Jerk criminal -1
Good job on the part of Conner!

I hope we get more details on what went on. Lots of questions unanswered, such as:

1. Which gun sent 10 bullets into the neighbor's house?
2. Autopsy results: Which bullet killed the assailant?
3. What exactly did the police do when they got there?
That many gun shots in a close quarters gun fight is not uncommon---IMHO. Many times when police engage in a gun fight with bad guys there are many shots fired with only a few striking the intended target(s). The assailant is moving and shooting, and a young guy---or old guys that are recreational shooters--are unlikely to be successful in taking down the intruder in one or two shots.

Sad story of a violent perp that the justice system was unable to corner and contain before doing something really destructive.

The young man is to be congratulated on his inner strength and willingness to confront the mom's ex boyfriend.
So many times the female in a relationship gone bad, has no one to take her side in a violent situation.

This Lady had her 18 year old Son. Good for him.
g.willikers, she can - if she has the mindset. In general our culture does not encourage girls / women to have what people here call the "warrior mindset" - in fact, it is discouraged as "not feminine" or attractive.

I know young women who shoot match scores that put my best to shame, who hunt and bring home as much meat as anyone, and who would probably prevail in an armed conflict with "your typical bad guy" (as if there were such a thing). But they are few and far between, because culturally they get beaten up for being "bossy" or are derided as "uppity".

I think many men on this Forum are delighted to read about / meet competent women, but many men in the wider population feel threatened when a woman is either intellectually or physically more capable than they are. Until being self-reliant and capable of defensive violence are accepted as integral with being "feminine" our culture will have the problem to which you allude.

One of my cats is named Xena. I think you can imagine her purrsonality.
In teaching Lady's to shoot from a duty holster, Security, ATM people, or Police Officers, I have no worries about one of those young Woman being able to do real well in a violent confrontation (some have done so!)

But when a Wife/Girlfriend in a relationship gone bad, obtains a restraining order, from a Court, on average, do not have the ability, for whatever reason, to match the size and fighting ability of that ex partner.

My Wife can shoot, has a CCWL here in Florida, but does not carry. If I pass on (I am older!) I have no doubt in my mind, one of the smaller 9mm pistols will end up in her purse, especially when responsible for one of the munchkins!

When I read of a case were a Ex Spouse kills his family! I boil! Feel so much better when he ends up shot to bits by a determined, protective Woman.

When observed walking with my Wife to the passenger side of the Jeep, opening her door, and helping her inside, people think it is English good manners.

But if you let your significant other walk to her side (if she is not driving) you have no protective control, for about 8 seconds, she is not in your view.

In a dark parking lot, after supper, at 10PM? I consider that is my job.
In the 21 years we have been married (Extremely happily I might add!) there have been times when I have been called upon to protect that lovely 5'3" 124lb, soon to be 70 year old Lady. (I might have over reacted too!)

We have not always lived in Gods Country, Florida. Surrounded by nice people.