Home Invasion - Bad Ending


8-30-12 article By JENNIFER TODD, Lancaster Intelligence

Three worthless thugs with shotguns blasted their way into home. The homeowner, Mr. Herr went down swinging. He shot one of the criminals in the leg before taking fatal shotgun blast to head. Fortunately, the wounded criminal was forced to seek medical treatment and was arrested.

My thoughts are that it would be tough to defend yourself against three criminals with a shotgun. You would need as much advance notice as possible, dogs, alarm, motion sensing lights and really strong doors. Also, it was unfortunate that one of the bad guys knew he had $200k in his home safe. Better that no one knows about what is in your home.
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Better that no one knows about what is in your home.
Your comment about going up against 3 determined attackers armed with shotguns is accurate, if a bit depressing.

The quoted comment is even more to the point. The kind of attention paid to Mr. Herr is rarely distributed randomly.
From the article it sounded like there was 3 perps with one shotgun...maybe I'm missing something?

John is right, three against one is always bad odds and keep your business to your self.
Read some more, and it appears they may have had only one shotgun. Another story said they broke through a sliding glass door. Other stories said they shot there way through a door, I guess the slider would count. One other thing I read in the articles, was that the criminals had been planning the home invasion for "months." The killer, admitted the murder saying: "Of course I'm going to shoot the guy. He shot my brother." If they did in fact, after "months" of planning, bring only one firearm, it shows that they should have done more planning. My suggestion, wait until the guy leaves the house and bring more guns, assuming they only brought one shotgun. Regardless, the Vietnam Vet did his best. RIP
That much money shouldn't be in the house anyway , but invested.
BTW it's very easy to start a rumor. One hears you have guns , the next says it's a big collection, the next says it's a huge collection ! There are times to keep your mouth closed.
Who is to say what you should not have in your home if it doesn't cause others problems. Like guns, the stuff you own should not have to be a somewhere else.

So going up a group of determined attackers with a shotgun or shotguns. That would be daunting.
Most of the home invasions in this and a few other counties are happening with two things to consider:

a) seems there are at least two(or more) invaders.

b) the invasions are happening during daylight hours when people are home.

The sheriffs of two different Ohio counties have made these statements on the news. One sheriff went as far to say the invaders want the resident home to interrogate them about location of valuable's, prescription drugs etc.
The prescription drug thing is an epidemic. Especially opiates(pain killers) often taken by senior people. We had a group of thugs watching a few of the pharmacies for older people picking up scripts and following them home robbing them.

Both counties are mostly rural areas that in the past were not prone to much crime. Therefore the residents in these areas don't lock doors, leave garages open, keys in cars, etc. Easy targets.
There was three in one afternoon within 7mi. of my house.:rolleyes:

We can only wish things would have went different for Mr. Herr. Prayers go out to his loved ones. Too, hope the killers get what's coming to them.
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I really hate reading stories like that. I would love to believe that on the whole my fellow man is better than that. My prayers go out to his family.
Prayers and condolences to Mr. Herr's family and friends. It's so sad that greedy punks ended a man's life because they thought they had more rights to his property than he did.

Do not let people know what is valuable in your home.
Never let people know you have a gun or more than one gun.
Don't "advertise" valuable items where they're visible through outside windows.

I even go so far as to cut down cardboard boxes for laptops, monitors and other valuables and then tape them with the logos facing inward. That way no one can snoop through the recycling or exposed cardboard to see what I've recently purchased.

The concept of not bragging about your "stuff" is a family discussion. Certainly the wife should know not to do this. Getting kids to pay attention is more difficult. A friend of my brother lost his whole baseball card collection because the wrong kid heard his son talk about it at lunch in high school. He tells an older brother who does the stealing with a friend. Convicted, but 40 years of collecting were never recovered.
"Here's a home invasion story with a better ending ! And with a 22 and a very seasoned citizen !"
92 year old with a .22 Rifle - that is a good story.
You should add to that list:

1. Don't have garage sales;
2. Don't sell stuff on Craig's List; (give your old junk away, sell it on ebay, or haul it to your local flea market and sell it.)
3. Don't have ANY expensive looking things in plain sight when having someone do work inside of your house. This one obviously can be difficult.
4. Don't do illegal drugs (even pot), buy illegal drugs, sell illegal drugs or associate with anyone who is involved in drugs.
5. If you have kids, train them early to keep information about what's in your house, your address, your whereabouts, etc. private.
6. Stay off of Facebook and MySpace.
Who needs home invaders, if I thought I had to live like the post above I would just shoot myself and be done with it.
You should add to that list:

1. Don't have garage sales;
2. Don't sell stuff on Craig's List; (give your old junk away, sell it on ebay, or haul it to your local flea market and sell it.)
3. Don't have ANY expensive looking things in plain sight when having someone do work inside of your house. This one obviously can be difficult.
4. Don't do illegal drugs (even pot), buy illegal drugs, sell illegal drugs or associate with anyone who is involved in drugs.
5. If you have kids, train them early to keep information about what's in your house, your address, your whereabouts, etc. private.
6. Stay off of Facebook and MySpace.

^^^ This
I hate reading these kinds of stories for more than one reason. My thoughts & prayers here. At least this was not random.
There was a home invasion in NH last year by three armed scumbags . Boy did they pick the wrong house , that homeowner shot all three of them , killed two on the spot . The third was in the hospital in grave condition , I don't know if he made it or not , but he was never going to walk again . Took one through the spine I guess . Aside from one of them living , Id say it was a perfect outcome ! That homeowner was bad ass !

Add these details to my previous post.
This of course is a UK paper .It's sad to see that so many ,Americans included, think that the Gov't should be involved in giving permission to defend yourself , family and home.
Note that this was the thrid time he's had a problem with BGs . How much are 90 cows worth ?. I think that he was a target because they thought an old guy would be easy pickings !
Me ? I'm proud to be a seasoned citizen when I see a man like that !!:)
The above story from Boone Co. Ky, is very near my home. I have seen this on the local news, heard it on the local radio and read online about it. That uk newspaper stroy is so slanted. It makes it seem criminal to even consider protecting yourself and your home.
What are 90 cows worth? Bare minimum.....$100k. Go to SAV Angus in N Dakota and ten times that wouldn't get you 90 cows.