Home invasion at elderly neighbor's house. I'm a good shot but not mentally prepared


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Home invasion at elderly neighbor's house. I'm a good shot but not mentally prepared or tactically equipped to handle if it happens here.

Yesterday my neighbors were robbed in broad daylight. She was sitting on her patio when two guys walked up with "big sticks". They told her they wanted her money and jewelry. They took her to the bedroom, took her money/jewelry and her husband's wallet. Then they left. Didn't hurt her. He was in the shower and didn't know it happened...

That was yesterday. Just found out that another one happened tonight. Don't know the details yet.

I live just outside of a small town and all the houses in our area are semi private with each having 5-10 acres of land. I live in a nice house for the area and expect that they've at least weighed their options of hitting this house.

Looks like things might be fixin to get real. Need to get my mind right. Any advice?
I wish there was some magic mind set, but all I can tell you if they come after you and yours you might not be as lucky as the old couple next door. They could go on to hurt others, especially if they gain access to your firearms that you didn't use. Make sure you at least try to improve your security with motion lights, better locks and possibly a safe room, a dog or too can be of help. Talk to your local deputies about driving by once in awhile. the more precautions you take the better it will look in the eyes of the law if you do have to defend yourself. Good luck.
not mentally prepared or tactically equipped to handle if it happens here.
Sounds like that's something you need to change ASAP

I nearly always have a weapon within arms reach, and there are others strategically placed around the house

Your neighbor is lucky they only wanted money and jewels
If you don't carry in the house, start, tighten up all aspects of security, make sure windows and doors are locked even when u r home. Be cognizant of your surroundings when moving to and from your house. Frequently run what if scenarios through your head so if something does happen you have a plan. Always have a cell phone on you. Don't answer the door w/o checking who it is. The best way to get mentally prepared is to train for it. A lot of good magazines out that will help. Don't let yourself be surprised... Good luck
I'm by no means an expert, but based on the advice I've read here before, it sounds to me like, first and foremost, you need to know exactly where you stand legally about use of lethal force where you live.

You need to know what actions on the aggressor's part justify lethal force becoming a viable option. You need to establish what "stand your ground", "duty to retreat" (if that is the right term) or "castle doctrines" exist in your state.

If you have family, you need to agree with them what they would need to do in an emergency: which room to go to, and what to do there. If you have a partner, are they armed too?

You need to decide which part of the house is vulnerable and which part of the house can be easily defended so that you can hold out until help arrives.

If they see that you are alert in the first place, they are less likely to choose your home. If they encounter resistance, they are less likely to stand around trying to complete the robbery.

In addition you may want to consider home security of some sort: automatic lights, or even an IR camera that will show anyone walking toward the house. I doubt these things would break the bank, and they'd give you an additional level of warning.

Above all, just be vigilant and reach a state of mind where you'll have decided what to do if the worst were to happen, before it happens. I don't envy your situation of feeling like you may be a target, but you've had a "shot across the bows" by it happening to a neighbour, so continue take that opportunity to prepare as you have already started by seeking advice here.
A good starting point is training. Not knowing your area - try to find a legit training company that teaches basic skills, mindset, legalisms and then has serious well planned force on force, realistic scenario training.

Securing your home is a great idea also.

Watch out for commando clowns in the training world.
It's hard for normal folks to stay vigilant 24/7.
Some kind of warning device might help to let you know when visitors are approaching.
Then, at least, you will have an advantage if they are the wrong kind of visitor.
Youre on the right path thinking about it, now just get your head in the game and start working on some things and start formulating your responses.

If this is actively going on (even if it isnt), first and foremost, you should be wearing your gun (or whatever you choose) all the time. In these kinds of things, youre not likely to have time to run and look for it, no matter how close you think it might be. If its not on you, Murphy will make sure its at the furthest point from you, the instant you need it. If you arent armed, youre not armed, period.

Also, if youre not used to getting your gun into action from however you wear it, without thought, you need to start working on that.

Keep things simple, and dont over think them. Work through a couple of basic scenarios and go from there. Just get set in your mind ahead of time, what will trigger your predetermined safeties to come of and what the response will be when they do, and then follow through. The time to think about things is now, not when youre caught with your pants down.

I know its a little late here, but if you dont already have a good dog (and better yet, "dogs") nows a real good time to get one. A good, large breed dog that is a family member, will give you so many more options and is basically a roving alarm system, that will fight for you, and defend you to the death. You will know well before that door comes in, that troubles coming, and you'll also know exactly where it is, should someone be foolish enough to come in.

I fully understand that depending where we live, we may have different rules of engagement, or restrictions on how we are "supposed" to proceed, at least according to "their" rules, but as far as Im concerned, those rules go out the window, when your life, or others you are concerned about, are threatened. Dont die because someone who has nothing in it, and likely has immunity from anything afterwords, told you youre not "allowed" to defend yourself, because there are "rules".

There is only one rule, and thats win. Once things are underway, the only rule you should be following, is win the fight at all costs. You can worry about the paperwork afterwards, if you prevail. Dont die for lack of shooting back, when you should be shooting back, and better yet, shoot first. If you know its coming, you dont have to wait to respond.
I know its a little late here, but if you dont already have a good dog (and better yet, "dogs") nows a real good time to get one. A good, large breed dog that is a family member, will give you so many more options and is basically a roving alarm system, that will fight for you, and defend you to the death. You will know well before that door comes in, that troubles coming, and you'll also know exactly where it is, should someone be foolish enough to come in.

I feel I should chime in here.
I know from personal experience that dogs are excellent to have around as a warning of people coming knocking and I am sure that they are being mentioned here for that part of their role in cohabitation with people, but I would advise against getting a dog solely as a mobile alarm.

They are a big responsibility to keep well and in a manner that is also to their own benefit as part of the family. There is the exercise regime, there is the attention and interaction they deserve and there are the restrictions they impose on life such as holidays away etc.

If you want a dog and are happy to commit the time, energy and expense to keeping one, then great. If it is just as a home security measure I'd say be fair on the dog and get CCTV, motion detectors and an alarm instead.

my 2€c

We have a dog because my wife loves dogs. {pampered little SOB}{lol}
He's great for early warning. He can hear a squirrel walking up the sidewalk. Let's us know if anything is anywhere near the house.

Pets are a lot of work though. We are willing to put the time and effort into owning one. {Especially my wife}

My wife and me have discussed a length what she needs to do of something happens.
We have a dog because my wife loves dogs. {pampered little SOB}{lol}
We have them for the same reason, we both love them. Ours are pampered little 125 pound SOB's, who are quite possessive of their family. :)

They really arent all that much work, and they very much are like kids. Just big kids that will eat you if you dont behave, or raise your voice to Mom.

If something or someone were to hurt one of them, whoever does it, better hope the cops get to them first, as my wife will show them that dying can take a long time and be quite painful. Its a mutual agreement she and the dogs have. :)
For your attitude, Jeff Cooper suggested Righteous Indignation as a starting point. Obtain a copy of his "Principles of Personal Defense" and study it religiously.

As many are saying, get training, get a good carry gun YOU can wear all the time, and a layered defense for your household.

As for being mentally prepared, read Jeff Coopers book on that (I think it's free and on the internet now.) I don't want to kill anyone either but I WILL NOT allow them to hurt me or those around me. And that is my mental preparedness.

if you are not going to change your mentality on self defense, there's no amount of target hardening that will work for you other than armed guards with the right mentality.
1) a dog
2) a camera that is not too well hidden
3) an ADT sign off of eBay
4) with due respect to the first responder above, DO NOT "shoot before you have time tothink". The consequences could be tragic, expensive or put you in jail or prison
3) an ADT sign off of eBay

An actual ADT account works much better :) and they're not very costly.

I live in a very similar neighborhood - semi-rural, big lots, etc. On 2.5 of our 5 acres, we have an invisible fence for our two large dogs and they are serious deterrants for anyone staking the place out.

We've never had a violent crime in this neighborhood as far as I know and my M&P is always at arm's length.