home invasion #2


New member
the news carried another case of homeinvasion this morning ........seems an older lady had two guys hold guns on her, but she had already hit the button for the leo's and they had one guy waiting in the car and they located the guns off of the interstate ............hey rob whats up with this one?.....durn scoundrels, I wish ya could fire there butts up.....some day all of us are gonna be old, some of us sooner than others, a shame we cant get a handle on this....fubsy.
I don't know too much more than the news reports at this point. If nobody dies, the info doesn't necessarily flow through the unit I work with. I may hear something over the next couple of days, I'll forward any interesting info.

So far, I know that she hit a panic button which notified the police and officers were able to catch the suspects leaving the scene, and recover some weapons that they tried to throw out of their vehicle.
i just caught an update on the news and there showing what looks like 223 xm99(?) cartridges, but they were saying they were using aut0matic pistols....Is there a semi auto pistol that fires that round that is not a shortened ar?, .....there saying that the rounds are armour piercing and claiming there street name is the "cop killer"...I wish these damn crooks would go to whiffle bats........anything but guns....fubsy.
In case you havent noticed the trend is that all reports of the use of a gun wil include the words Automatic, Assualt ,High capacity, Cop killing,unregistered and illegal.

Better days to be,

Talked to the detective who is handling the case today. He is in Armed Robbery division and a buddy.
Turns out that they had regualr semi-auto handguns, but (according to our ID section) the rounds that were loaded in the gun were capable of piercing soft body armor.

Apparently they had Ranger SXT ("LE only") at the top of the mags and a "light alloy, high speed" round loaded behind them.

They are taking it pretty seriously, but I have no details about exactly what type of "armor piercing" rounds these are.
thanks for the update, as usual our local media is full of it, the ammo they showed beside a piece of metal with bullet holes was rifle ammo.......what i saw wasnt jiving with what they were saying.......you gone to the gun show tomorrow?......ill be there I think, Im looking for that guy that had that m1 for sale, I hope he shows up with it..lol..fubsy.
Any bets as to whether the 'light alloy, high speed' rounds turn out to have conventional projectiles using nickel-plated or aluminum-alloy jackets like the Winchester Silvertip? (Other brands that jump to mind include certain Geco loadings and the 'A-Merc' headstamped ammo that comes in a vacuum-sealed can.)

I have seen one and read of other cases where officers have mistaken Federal Nyclads and CCI 9mm shotshells for the infamous KTW loads. They see a color other than copper or lead, and immediately assume it is a 'teflon-coated Cop-Killer bullet'.

And by the way, possession of Ranger SXT ammo is not prohibited in most areas of the US. Moreover, from information and belief, the only Ranger SXT variant that has the potential to pierce body armor is the 9mm 127gr +P+. Second Chance withdrew at least one of its models after testing against this cartridge.

I'll be going to the Fairgrounds show tomorrow to stock up on some ammo. If you Email me, I'll give you my Cell #. Maybe we can meet up.


It was my impression that the investigating officer believed that the SXT were at the top of the mag in order to cause maximum tissue damage, and the fully jacketed rounds were lower in the mag "just in case."
It wouldn't be the first case of a perp being found with a weapon loaded with a mish-mash of different cartridge brands and types that s/he begged, borrowed, stole, and occasionally bought.
It would hard to believe that these particular rounds just happended to be the type they had begged borrowed or stole.. and that they just happened to be loaded in a tactically intelligent way.....
Perhaps the pistols were loaded like that when the perps 'acquired' them. It would seem unlikely that this was their first home invasion/burglary. Have the weapons been reported stolen?