home invader gets surprised

The Defendant, attempting to returned some borrowed firearms, was inquiring as to the presence of the owner. The Defense is at a loss as to why my client was shot and ask that the court, in its wisdom, dismiss the charges.

Alternatively, the Defendant, enroute on a hunting trip, was looking for his hunting partner. Cognizant of the high rate of auto burglaries in that neigborhood, Defendant wisely took the guns into the house where he inquired as to the presence of his hunting partner. Defendant's only mistake was to be too impoverished so as not being able to afford a gun case...and for this, he was mistakenly shot.

Sorry folks, couldn't help but have fun speculating on defenses the BG will raise if charged.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
To bad, Gary, that it would not be a civil trial. "The deceased was ......"

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Defending attorney: "You see, your Honor, my client was giving some very realistic self-defense training to Mr. Jones, over there, and Mr. Jones was negligent to load his pistol with simunition."