Home Depot 22


New member
.22LR with a SRT Odessa can.


Ain't there a permit/stamp for just such a novelty/demonstration firearm?
Otherwise... Likely too late to be un noticed at this point. I bet there are agents tasked with checking this forum daily if not several times per day. Being one of the most active gun forums and one of a few that have active NFA sections.
This is an NFA item as is the suppressor (thus I posted in the NFA section). The gun is an AOW ($5 transfer tax) while the can is $200 transfer tax. Fully legit -- made by an SOT (name is engraved on receiver so probably not trying to "hide")-- same category as a pen gun.
Judging by the manufacturers rollmarking on the brass nipple :eek: I am pretty sure it also has a serial and stamp.
MGR, Awesome than! I would love to get into NFA items but I understand you are allowing the ATF permission to request to see your arms anytime they feel a need and possibly so far as consent to search but I am not clear on this as many of ya'll are.
Cool gun setup! I would love to be able to hunt 'dillars with that!
It's funny because (as a gunny) I was reading all of this and following right along but then I paused and thought about newbies to the gun world so I thought a brief clarification might be in order.


1) It is an "AOW" (also known as "any other weapon"). This is a legal designation and requires a bit of extra money/licensing in order to be done legally. Failure to do so is a Felony.

2) The "Silencer" (aka "muffler" aka "can") turns it into an NFA regulated item. Another legal term and something that also has additional licensing requirements and a "tax stamp".

So in summary, this is the sort of thing that can be done legally by anyone willing to spend the time, pay the money, and do the paperwork. Failure to do so would be a Felony so do it right folks.

And if nothing ese, a demonstration on why gun control will never work.
Yeah, no kidding.
Ok, I'm curious.
Is there a trigger mechanism, or is the bolt used to fire it?
(no pun intended)

See the recessed area on the main body? The screw is pulled back under tension into that area, then released by a finger to strike the primer.
From JWT: As Bill DeShivs said. WHY???

From Superhouse 15: And if nothing else, a demonstration on why gun control will never work.
Although this one is a legally registered AOW.

And because it is very unique. It is also one of the few guns that are about as dangerous to the user as the target so be careful.
To the OP: that thing's awesome. It's exactly the type of thing that Richard Dean Anderson or Sean Connery would use in a pinch, love it! I'm glad that it's all checked out legally and you can show us your little toy.
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Wow, so AOW means that if you pay your taxes and get your License, you can practically make any damn weapon you like... Wow :eek: the Govt. sure likes our money :D

See the recessed area on the main body? The screw is pulled back under tension into that area, then released by a finger to strike the primer.

Essentially, if this piece of pipe had a magazine it would be a semi auto....
Actually, it would be FULL-auto, because you'd have no way to stop the burst, unless you were willing to jam your hand in the way of the bolt handle. At one time, there were plans available for a 9mm "sputter gun" that worked this way, using STEN gun parts, but it would also dump the entire magazine, unless you wanted to load dummy rounds to control the length of a burst.