Home defense shooting


I've read a few of the threads on home defense and the suggested firearms and tactics for such a situation. What I am wondering is whether anyone has actually been attacked at home or on the street and needed to fire their weapon at the attacker. If so, what weapon(s) and tactics were used and how effective were they ? Experience is the BEST teacher !!
Each gunfight is different so you have to figure out what will work best under those specific circumstances. Take the time and money to get some very good training that will do more for you than reading about a bunch of shootouts.
No, tsnake, . . . experience is not the best teacher. Remember that 50% or so of the people involved in gunfights do not live through the experience.

Shooting IDPA, . . . a Gunsite course, . . . just to mention a few suggestions are far better than experience.

Kinda like the guy who brags about having 20 years EXPERIENCE frying hamburgers for McDonalds. What he really has is one year of experience, but he did it 20 times.

Classwork and practice will give you the muscle/movement/reaction skills that will be the best teacher as to what to do in a gunfight.

May God bless,
I've only been shooting for a few years, so my "experience" is pretty limited.

The best weapon is the one you're willing to carry with you. Bigger caliber is better, but regardless of the caliber, if you don't have the weapon on you, it won't make any difference.

I shoot IDPA and I've taken CCW courses in two states. Either shoot realistic scenarios on your own, or get some professional training. I'm hoping to take a tactical pistol course soon to improve my shooting.