Home Defense Plans for your SO or other loved ones


New member
I am not to worried if I am home and the goblins come knocking, I know what I plan to do. But what do you tell your SO or others to do if your not home and trouble comes knocking? If your SO is into shooting & tactics fine, but most are not. What I normally tell them is to take cover with a weapon, & call for help [either 911, me, or a few other people I trust for this type of help]. I like them to have some options other than 911, because you can't count on 911 [been there done that]. And for many of the "bumps in the night" that are just cats or something falling you won't really want to call 911 to have them just check.

BTW I think it is a very good idea to come to an understanding with one or two, or even a few, friends that you can call for help or your family can call for help in dealing with goblins. If you shoot much or work out in the martial arts you usually know at least a couple of people that have the skills needed for such assistance.
My wife's job is to get down behind the waterbed, taking with her the phone and her own gun. She calls 911 and covers the bedroom door while I go out to investigate. Since there are no kids in the house, it simplifies things. She's to shoot dead anyone but me who comes through that door.
In the event of either fire or home intrusion, my job is to make sure the way is safe and my wife's job is to grab the baby. In most cases, she will be calling 911. We have established meeting points outside the house for either scenario. In both scenarios, getting away is high on the list.
My plan is similar to David Scott's, with one exception:

I take point and clear the way to the baby's room (which is the next room from ours, about two feet away), she takes her firearm and the cell phone, and they hunker down behind the dresser and changing table until they get the all clear.

If TSHTF, first call is to her father, less than three minutes away. He will then wake his son, call his brother, and Dad, brother in law, and uncle will respond with enough firepower to eliminate any amount of goblins.
IF I'm not home... which doen't happen very often...

My SO's task is to grab the baby, hunch him down behind the bed, pull out her shotgun (20ga w/birdshot) and call my neighbor. He's my best friend, 100% reliable, seldom goes out, 240 lbs Game Warden, and he'd show up in no time with S&W and service 870 (our houses are about 15 ft away).
Just my 0.02
my wife is entirely comfortable with the idea of taking Mr. 870 and my son behind the bed and drop all that come throught the bedroom door.
Simple enough. If I'm not home, my wife has a gun, a phone, and a flashlight. She locks the bedroom door, covers behind the bed, calls 911 and tells them she has an intruder, and she will put the gun down only when she can see a uniformed Sheriff's Deputy through the bedroom window. Anyone who comes through the door gets shot.