Home Daily Carry

I share your enthusiasm for the edge weapon. A little repetitive on bad guy gainng a weapon in kitchen. Weapons are all around us in every room. We know this, only need say once. Rather, you spend more time on defensive/offensive tactics. Whether/when to keep folder or single blade. What type weapon, maybe houshold items that could be used as defensive shield against counter edged weapon attack or thrust. My household defense is multiple layer, lights, alarms, attack kittens (just kidding), shotgun, pistol, and finally edged weapon. My knife is always near by if not on me. A simple trip to empty the trash outside can result in a confrontation. Hopefully, I can get to my knife in time. Loved ones. Twice a year, I drag the Mrs. to the range. We shoot the HD shotgun and pistol. I have shown her where the knives are kept. How to defend and how/where to strike. Women, seem to be more comfortable with a knife, no recoil, no big bang. Would you try to move on a woman with a tactical edged weapon, scared, pumped up and standing in the proper stance? You would probably hesitate and think,what have I gotten myself into? I think these would make a more comprehensive subject on edged weapon home defense. Just ideas.