Home Built Case Qualifier?


Anyone built an automated case qualifier before?
Checking/ejecting crushed case necks/shoulders etc?

Inspecting large volumes of cases by 'Eyeball, Mk I' is maddening!
Nope. Sounds......fancy. If they are not caught when I sort calibers, tumble, clean media out, or dump into the case feeder they will be noticed when they slide into the shell plate.
My first try is using a chamber reamer,
Spring loaded rod inside the case to check for mouth/FOD in the case.
An oversized 'Chamber' slips over the outside, trips if the case won't fit and case is kicked.

I started with a sizing die (worn) and honed it out, but didn't quite get what I was looking for, so I went with chamber reamer.

The issue is, the first version was built into a straight line progressive press,
The case shuttle on that unit was a HUGE pain in the butt!

I'm thinking maybe a rotary shell plate this time?
Something off the shelf from Dillon or Lee...
Just stick a case in the side via case feeder & qualify, then kick disqualified cases out immedately and allow qualified cases to progress...

I don't see where you could decap since the first station would be qualification instead of sizing/decap, so a second run through an existing machine would be required.

I was just wondering if someone knows of an easier way to qualify on a large scale, around 10,000 cases I go stir happy & blind!