Homak vs StackOn gun cabinets


Wondering which was better? Comparing their small 8 gun cabinets only. Both seem to be priced fairly close around $80. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
I think it's a wash. I looked at some Homak's today and I have a Stack-On. I like the finish a little better on the Stack-On, but that's a personal choice.
If it's economy you're after be forewarned, don't buy one simply because a real safe is too expensive. Save your money or finance the purchase and you'll be so much happier. On the other hand, if you need one for a couple rifles, say for the garage or vacation home and you won't outgrow it then they're fine. $1000 spent on a safe is a great investment.
Comparing the ones that I've seen, I thought the Homak looked to be a little better than the Stack-On. Corners bent a little better, spot welds looked better, I've seen some Stack-On stuff that some of spot welds popped on when it was dropped during shipping.
Go ahead and buy one now, then start saving for a real safe. You will always have some use for a locking cabinet, like to hold the overflow from your safe.