Holsters…looking for an in-depth conversation…in addition to the other current one


New member
In the constant search for a well fitting, usable, comfortable, non-pants-pulling down holster, I have recently begun to investigate shoulder holsters. They seem to be one that would fit the above criteria, especially because I am 6’ 300 lbs. I would wear an undershirt, the holster, and then the normal shirt. I know this would render a fast draw impossible, but how important is that?

I really like the Milt Sparks Versa Max 2 for an IWB solution, but I am afraid it will be uncomfortable, and most importantly, it would probably pull my pants down. I just bought a special leather belt from Don Hume, so the belt is not the issue. Due to rotund shape, my pants seem to fall down regardless of how tight the belt is. I don’t want to have to keep pulling them up if I add a heavy gun.

BTW, I will need to conceal a SIG P226. And, I refues to buy 5 different holster before I get the right one. We gun enthusiasts must put our heads together to come up with a better way to get a god fitting holster!!

Please.. any in-depth experiences or solutions would be appreciated!

hjm,I'm built alot like you but find the shoulder holster uncomfortable, I carry a SIG 220 in 38 super.most of the problem i find even with the larger harness is the reach across my chest to the pistol butt, I have gone to carrying IWB or OWB with one of Rossen'smodel designed to fit between the belt and the pant,depending on the style of pants worn i use suspenders in addition to the belt
I have a holster that might work for you. Its a little different than a shoulder holster, and will definitely work better than a shoulder holster under your shirt. Its called the "Confidant Shirt Holster"
by Kramer Leather. Its basicly a undershirt with 2 holsters attached to it. I can conceal a Gov. Model 1911 with a double reload under a dress type shirt that is tucked in. No coat is necessary. I dont use it all the time as I prefer a IWB type holster, but it does offer options, especially for larger pistols. They recommend getting one size smaller for a better fit with the weight, which is what I did (med. instead of lg.) its snug on, but the gun doesnt flop around when it's in the holster. I can see where it might tend to move around if the shirt fit loosely.

Here's the address:


(its on the left side down towards the bottom.)
a pair of suspenders will make a world of difference.. I pack a Ruger P-95 and I'm about the same build as you (circumferencely challenged)

and have fun with them.. bright colours, stripes, paterns, and pins and so forth go nicley on them.
I'm not as rotund as some of you fellows but I'm not skinny either. My Solution after years of fighting with this same issue is:

Industrial strength suspenders and a relatively soft belt with an IWB. You don't need a hard belt if it is just keeping the IWB close to your body and not holding anything up. I like the Kramer IWB #3. You wear a tee shirt tucked into your pants under the suspenders. I like the "Coolmax" wicking type tee shirt. They don't get soggy. With suspenders you can wear the pants a bit loose for the IWB. Depending on the weather, you can wear a polo type shirt, sweat shirt or vest over this. If anyone asks "aren't you hot wearing that vest?" in warm weather, I just show a suspender and say "I don't like my suspenders to show".