Holsters and mag holders for 3 gun

It varies. I see a lot of kydex holsters and mag pouches and for price they're hard to beat for starting the game. Get started and shop gear at the matches.

Most of the USPSA Limited and Open guys are using their usual gear. I see CR speed pouches as a heavy favorite around here with holsters being CR speed, Ghost and Limcat.

I'm running a CR speed belt system with Limcat holster and pouches. The Limcat pouches for the 2011 pistols also will hold AR mags.

These guys carry all the good stuff:

If we ever meet in person I'll buy you dinner for all your help. I am planning on shooting my first match in March. I hope to have my ar set up by then. Thanks

Hold on to your money. 3 Gun is expensive. It's fun. But holymollie! is it expensive. I've seen it come down to who shoots rifle the best many times. Just about everybody can hose down the area with a pistol & shotgun. Rifle is a little different.

One area specifically: Many shooters, like to or are required to, transition from long gun to pistol. All too often range officials look the other way when the competitor has the muzzle of the long gun daggling over his feet during such time. They say they don't but they do. Someone other than me will have to lose some body parts before the 3 gunners as a group will admit this and change accordingly.