Hello, I am new to this site.
I am having a hard time finding a holster to fit a taurus 24/7 pro compact .40.
I can find many websites with holsters that will fit the 24/7 pro, but not the compact. I know that the compact 24/7 pro is very similar to the Millenium pro, will a holster for the millenium pro fit. This is my first handgun and holster buying experience , any suggestions will be appreciated
I am having a hard time finding a holster to fit a taurus 24/7 pro compact .40.
I can find many websites with holsters that will fit the 24/7 pro, but not the compact. I know that the compact 24/7 pro is very similar to the Millenium pro, will a holster for the millenium pro fit. This is my first handgun and holster buying experience , any suggestions will be appreciated