Holster recomendations

Mike Baugh

New member
I need some help picking new holsters for a Glock 19 and a Sig 239 . I want strong side , open top leather versions and I am leaning toward the M-D BS-2 and the Waldon Raptor Defense set . Does anybody have any input on these models or is there a different model I should be looking at . Thanks , Mike...
There is a thread on this going in the Handguns / Pistolcraft forum.
check that out.

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters
Gunleather so nice it's almost a crime to conceal it
100% satisfaction or I buy it back!

"Holsters" the only real cure for mad cow disease
Couldn't find the other thread, so I'll post here. I recently bought a Milt Sparks 55BN for my Sig P239, and am awaiting delivery of an Alessi CQC/S for my Glock 19. I like the 55BN a lot; it's sturdy with a metal-reinforced mouth, and mine has an FBI cant.

For a look at the 55BN, go to:

For pictures of the CQC/S, see:

If you are looking for a high ride holster, the BS-2 is the one I would pick.
This is just a quick moderator's note on holster threads.

Mike knows that this is indeed the right forum for holster discussions. Sometimes holster threads don't get moved from the H & P forum because they weren't caught in time before they had a lot of responses. It would be counter-productive to move it at that time.
I have two BS-2s and two Raptors, so I reckon I have some input.

Both are excellent holsters that are both handmade with attention to detail. Overall quality between the two is a toss-up, in my opinion.

M/D (Mark THG) molds his holsters strictly by hand while Waldon (Mark W) molds by hand and with a press. The addition of the press seems to make for a more precise fit (I'm talkin' every little nook, cranny, and letter on the gun) and a thinner overall product.

I'm not familiar with what finishing processes the two Marks use, but they do differ. Mark THG's holsters are a bit softer than Mark W's when new. Both end up wearing down to about the same feel, though. Mark W's holsters have a shiney, hard-ish finish (don't really know how to describe it - Like a shellack? Doesn't crack or anything...), while Mark THG's are more of a dull, matte, softer finish.

As far as comparing the BS-2 vs. the Raptor, the BS-2 rides slightly higher, which can be good or bad.

The BS-2 is good in that it rides extremely high and doesn't require as long of a cover garment to conceal.

Here's where the high ride could be bad: If you're a fat-boy, unless you have some barrel on the gun, the butt of the gun will tend to push outwards. I had this problem with the Glock 30 in the BS-2, but not with my Glocks 19, 23, 27, and 36.

The Raptor works better for me with the Glock 30. It rides just a tad lower, allowing for a more evenly distributed ride.

As I said before, quality between the two is a toss-up. Whatever someone might choose would probably depend on personal preference.

Every Waldon holster is custom-built to order. My average wait for a Waldon product has been around 3.5 months, and it's well worth it.

From what I understand, Mark THG generally stocks the BS-2 for certain gun models. In other words, he make's them before anyone orders them (and I believe this is the only holster with which he does this). Therefore, you can get the BS-2 (for certain models) much quicker.

Prices ranges between M/D and Waldon are close. If Mark THG would ever move back to New Jersey, I could stop paying sales tax on everything I order from him, and that would bring the prices much closer - for Texans, at least. :D A BS-2 + Tax + Shipping = what I'd pay for a Raptor Defense set (holster and mag pouch).

If I were in your shoes, I'd get one of each. I still order from both of these guys. About 3 weeks ago, I took possession of my 3rd BS-2. A few days ago, I received a Sidewinder IWB and two belts (all excellent, by the way) from Waldon. My next holster will probably be a YCS from M/D. I don't even bother with store-bought leather anymore. All I need is M/D and Waldon.

Almost forgot about the mag pouches. I prefer the mag pouch that comes with Mark W's Raptor Defense set. Mark THG has two pouch designs, but the only one I've had has the flap of leather and a snap that goes over the back of the belt (I think it's the SBS for Single Belt Snap). I much prefer the belt slots on either side of the pouch - tucks it in tighter. Mark THG makes one like this, but I haven't seen one myself, so I really can't comment on its design.

Hope this helps.

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited July 31, 2000).]
I have two Waldon Vipers one for Ruger P85, and the other a SW99. I also have a belt. Waited a long time for them (2 and 3 months), but was very pleased with the finished product. I will add that they do have a nice finish, and look very nice with the coat and tie I wear every day.

Been looking over Mark THG's stuff, and looking possibly to order one of his as well. I would say that if you order custom leather, it is usually worth the wait, no matter who makes it.


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.

Those that beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those that don't.
I'll second Bulldog's comment about the BS-2. I have one I use for a Colt Officers Model and it works very well. I'm scrawney so I have no problem with the grip pushing out. I find it conceals best (for me) if worn just a tiny bit to the front of the hip.

Jim Fox
I think your last statement is right on the target.
I don't think any of the custom makers out there make a bad product.
Sometimes a holster design will not work for a certain person but that does not mean it's a bad design.
I have had people of similar build order the same model holster for the same gun. One swears by it the other at it!
That's just the way it is.

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters
Gunleather so nice it's almost a crime to conceal it
100% satisfaction or I buy it back!

"Holsters" the only real cure for mad cow disease