Holster Newbie Questions


New member
Where can I go on the web to find an assortment of pictures of various holsters? Reading all the various brand names and types is almost as overwhelming as the various makes and caliburs of guns. My wife just got her CCW permit and I'll soon be getting one myself. We need a starting point to help us in trying to decide what to go with and to give us a reference on style configurations and names. Any recommendations will be appreciated as well as where we can then go to see what it looks like on the web.
Hey, I appreciate the response. I must of cruised those web sites for a couple of hours last night looking at holsters, and reading in the other forum about holsters. I came up with some other questions that maybe you can help me out with. Without actually buying a few different types and wearing them for awhile to find out what feels comfortable, is there some kind of a general rule that can be applied? Tall, thin guys usually prefer this type, heavier guys usually prefer? If you sit alot or drive alot, this type is usually what is used. This type is usually used for more active, physical type of working conditions. More people prefer IWB holsters than those worn on the outside, yes, no? I'm 6' 190lbs if that helps, and a blue jeans, flannel shirt kind of a guy, get dressed up for weddings and funerals only. Another question - does anybody make a holster that would rig up on a saddle, as in hooked on to the back cinch - I spend alot of time riding.

For general carry around the homeplace, trips with lots of on/off or range work, I prefer a good paddle holster. I have personally used the Galco Firm Paddle and the DeSantis Pro-Fed Paddle. Both are outstanding.

The rest of the time I use an IWB. They are VERY concealable and quite comfortable once you get the tricks down. The tricks?...Wear pants that require a belt to hold them up - not very tight, sort of relaxed fit - and get a belt that is 2" over your normal waist size. With this set-up you can conceal with a short jacket - like a sports team style. If you have to remove it the belt can just be tightened a bit.

For IWB's I have used the Bianchi Pistol Pocket, the Milt Sparks Heritage and the DeSantis Inner Piece. I like them all but the Inner Piece is just great, and at $47, the cheapest of the lot!

Mikey (5'-10"/180 lbs)

[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited January 08, 2000).]
Just follow what Mikey wrote about the tricks to concealed carry and you will be set. However, instead of leather for IWB I use a Kydex FBI cant Blade-Tech ( www.blade-tech.com ) IWB in their UCH model. This allows the shirt to be tucked over the weapon and holster and with a flannel shirt, you probably won't need a covering jacket of any type. I have carried this particular holster while driving, sitting and even running and my pistol remained secure (FYI: I am 6'4" and weigh 170 lbs). Because of the shirt being tucked in, presentation is slow but for non-LEO CCW carry that should not present too big of a problem. I have also heard good things about the Sidearmor ( www.sidearmor.org ) Kydex holsters and am considering trying one of their IWB holsters when they come out with an FBI cant for the Glock model that I carry. I like the FBI cant because it keeps the butt of the pistol tucked into your body enhancing both concealment and ease of draw.

Each person has his preference to leather or Kydex. I prefer Kydex because it is water proof (thus sweat proof) and cleaning is only a matter of wiping off with a cloth - inside and out. A little cleaner like Armorall keeps it looking new. Kydex is also thinner and tougher than leather and will not mar the surface of your pistol if you keep the inside of the holster free of dirt.

Do your wife a big favor. Take her to the shops & let her model the holsters with her pistol. Ladies are built different than us (yipee!) & quite a bit harder to fit - 'specially the smaller ladies. Not much torso to speak of & especially any high-rise type will place the stock in her armpit.

My wife's 5' & loves a crossdraw (Bianchi 111) for her SW 66. We haven't found a non-custom strong side that she likes. I've probably 3-4 holsters in a drawer that I bought for her which just don't work.
& something else. I CCW because of the possibilty that I may have to use the pistol in a real hurry & adjust my clothing as such.
Worse case carry situation for me is having to lift up a sweatshirt, etc. & then grab the stock. I can't imagine having to untuck my shirt first - seems to detract from the whole idea of CCW (for me).

If the worst does happen, one isn't likely to have the time to "undress." Personal opinion - no flames.
Labgrade, where we're located, going to a local gun shop to try on different holsters would be like having a choice of an Uncle Mike, an Uncle Mike, and if we're lucky, maybe a Safariland low slung hip holster for a Ruger Vacquero. Top Gun, I shoot a Sig228 and my wife shoots a Sig225, both in 9mm.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If you are serious about CCW then I really suggest leather. [/quote]

Please don't take offense to this, Mikey, but what are you talking about? You don't think people who carry in kydex holster are "serious about CCW"? My blade-tech paddle does it all, and better than any leather, IMO, for less money.
Futo Inu,

No offense taken :rolleyes:

I certainly don't think that users of non-leather gear are not as serious about CCW as us leather users :D although my statement might appear that way. I should have qualified it by stating that it is just my opinion (which I usually do) that leather is better. The suggestion was made as an alternative to the "Uncle Mike's" style of Nylon carry wear and I didn't consider the Kydex type of option, which can indeed be a good one.

So, slymule, Blade Tech makes some really nice plastic holsters if you like that sort of thing. :) So does Ky-Tac and several other makers...but I still like leather better :p

Just my opinion, and worth what you paid for it...

Sidearmor address is www.sidearmor.net

Side armor only makes Kydex for GLOCK pistols. Sidearmors Kydex is light years ahead of blade tech.

there are several holster manufacturers on www.glocktalk.com

If I could add any one thing about a belt worn holster , be sure it has a 15 degree cant (tilt) for comfort while sitting.

GOod luck. SDnR
Man o' man...I have been to umpteen holster sites, those recommended, and some I just found. It's like going in a grocery store and looking at all the different brands of cereals to choose...endless brands, types, and materials to choose from. I do have one question - Is Kydex and Concealex the same thing? I will say the plastic stuff looks cheap, whereas the leather has alot classier look to it. I'm still faced with the same problem (because of location), we have NO choices out here. I'm gonna have to decide on something, untried, and hope I like it after I buy it. I can just see it now...6 mths later I have a box of holsters of various makes and types and I MIGHT have one that I like. Is their anybody else that has gone this route before (has a box of holsters that fit a Sig228)and would like to loan me their box and let me try out a bunch of holsters and then I'll send it back to them after sampling the goods? Hey, I'll pay shipping both ways...and if the one I like best is for sale, I'll buy it from you, if not I'll order the same thing for myself. Yep, thats the solution...who has a "sampler box" of holsters out there??????
Mikey. OK. Touche. Dead cow hide that is ruined by water and solvents, squeaks when worn, and in some cases costs 3-4 times as much as kydex, is good for something I suppose. :) Better than Uncle Mike's? You betcha, esp. those one-size-fits-all foam-type clip-on IWBs - not even nylon- can you say cheesy?

However, the look and SMELL of leather will never be matched by kydex.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited January 12, 2000).]
"Is Kydex and Concealex the same thing? I will say the plastic stuff looks cheap, whereas the leather has alot classier look to it."

You can't match the beauty of leather, but Kydex is highly functional and will last forever. AFIK, Concealex is Kydex reformulated in camo patterns.