Holster for Taurus 66?


New member
My Dad just got his CCW, and is looking for a holster for his Taurus 66 with a 4" bbl. He decided that he "has" to have a holster that will mount as a crossdraw on his left hip, and due to the size of the gun, has to be a belt mount, rather than IWB. Oh, he also wants the holster to clip, rather than slide, on his belt. I haven't been able to come up with much, if anybody has any suggestions, they would be appreciated.
Check to see if you can get enough cant out of an adjustable paddle holster to use it as a crossdraw.
Holster for a big CCW gun!

Yes it seems larger than the usual concealment gun, especially for summer wear. I think that the same holsters that would fit a S&W K frame magnum would fit that gun. Unless the 7 shot cylinder is much larger in diameter. As for belt clip holsters, Safariland used to make some nice lined holsters called the clipspringer or Klipspringer(?) that had a heavy wire clip on the back to snap securely onto the belt. Was not an IWB design. Had a thumbsnap retention of the gun. Maybe it would move around enough on the belt to be useful for crossdraw.
It is big for a carry gun, but here in Western Washington, you can wear a jacket about 10 months out of the year. It only has a six-shot cylinder, when I looked up the serial number on the Taurus website, they told me it was made in 1996.