Holster for SP101

Liberty Ship

New member
I have Fobus paddle holsters for my Glocks and love them. They don't make one for my Ruger SP101, 2", pocket hammer revolver.

Anyone know of a comprable holster to the Fobus for my revolver. (I'm left handed.)

Just don't forget to e-mail FOBUS and give them the dickens for not making holsters for these fine little revolvers yet! I did early this year, and I was told that it would happen 'in 2002'- well here it is August folks, now WHERE'S MY HOLSTER!?!?!

BTW I do have a FOBUS paddle for the old P220, and it is a very good product.
Thanks, Tom. That's what I needed. Just ordered a Blade-Tech. I did talk to Glock, and they said that they "must have had 10 calls today," but would probably never offer a Left Handed one if the ever came out with one for the SP101.
Liberty Ship: Ive gotta ask, growing up in a town that had 427 Liberty Ships in the "lay up basin" until the late sixty's, where did you arive at that handle?
The handle's in honor of my late father. He was a Lt./Cpt. in the Army, Transportation Corps, during WWII. In that capacity, he was assigned to accompany Army property and personnel abord Liberty Ships -- log it in, be responsible for it, log it out. Made quite a few North Atlantic crossings, North Africa, Balkans, Italy, the Murmansk Run, and laid off the shore on D-day, and ran the estuaries in the lowlands after D-day. He taught me about guns and freedom and not to trust my government, so it's the handle I use on gun forums. :)