Hog hunts in Texas


New member
So my dad and I are trying to plan a reasonably priced hog hunt in Texas for the summer, and we have been looking on the web and have had little luck finding anything. We want to go for about a week or so, and we want to get big hogs. Does anyone know of anywhere we could go for this, we don't have a preference on how we hunt them, such as with dogs, blinds, or whatever. Any information would be great! Thanks!
Try: www.texasboars.com

Do a search for: texas hog hunting

Everything from dogs, to using dogs and using knives to dispatch them, blind hunting, night hunting and for those with more money you can hunt them from helicopters.

No shortage of hunts or places offering hunts.
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July, August and early September can be brutal on folks and on the hogs. I would not hunt in those 3 months. You gotta clean them in a hurry or they ruin.

When we book a hunting or fishing trip, we never book one during the full moon.

Right now hogs are still on deer season time and just now are beginning to come out a bit. With the full moon, they are still nocturnal.
Has anyone hunted them on public land before? I've got a buddy who is stationed in Texas and he wants me to come down and visit. If I go down he wants to go hog hunting and I'd love to do it because all you need is a 48 dollar 5 day license. I believe he's still stationed in El Paso so we would be hunting near there. Any help is appreciateed.
Actually you have to have a tx hunting license and the public land stamp. Out of state license is pricey and the public is the 45.00 even for residents.
If you want to hunt hogs in the daytime, you just about have to hunt with dogs to flush them out. Some of the outfitters will furnish AR's with nightvision and you can hunt from stands and shoot the hogs under feeders.
A guy can occasionally catch them out in the open, but they are pretty much nocturnal all year around, and know how to use the thick brush to hide in.
Thanks for the link. I was researching hog hunting earlier and came across that same website but a different part. The page I was directed to only mentioned the type 157 license. Still, at under 100 dollars, I can't complain too much. Its cheaper than even a PA bear hunt till you figure in travel expenses.

Stony, those outfitters sound like a good time, but I really don't have the funds for those places after travel and food expenses. Though I'm sure hunting with dogs would be an adrenaline rush.
Hogs have to have water to survive, the only water around El Paso is in town and in the Rio Grande river, no hogs there. There hogs in each county in Texas for the most part except the 3 counties in the far west.
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Alright well, we ended up not going hunting in March. I would still like to go before the school season starts back up, does anyone have any good outfitters, or people who would let a couple of strangers hunt their property in eastern Texas? Anything would be really helpful, thanks.
Wild hog

Hog hunters out there in north Texas, please let me know if you excess hogs. I would not mind paying for the license/processing of the meat. If you have killed more than you want and would like to let go of a few I will come over and pick them up. Or if you are going to hog hunting and need a partner or helper please let me know. I love wild hog meat and don't mind driving some distance from dfw are for it.
Hog Hunts in TX

I live about 40 mile SE of Dallas in a rural area and we grew up doing nothing but playing high school football and hog hunting that was about all there was to do. Tons of land out this way check this forum out you will find some info East Texas Hog Doggers.