Hog hunting help.


New member
The man that owns our lease is having a problem with hogs this year. He sub-leases the land to another farmer. This year hogs ruined a wheat crop and about half of a corn crop. The farmers have been setting pins and baiting (which is legal here in SC.). We were going to hunt them at night over the bait piles, but the new regs will not allow us to use center fire rifles. We are wanting to hunt out this population of hogs for several reasons. One, the land has asked us to, and I think we should keep the man that owns our hunting land happy. Plus the hogs are just ruining the area for deer. However, we are only going to be able to hunt during the day. There is no closed season on hogs here. Should I wait until winter, so hogs move during the day then? I know nothing really about hog hunting so any help and advice would be appreciated.
What will the regs allow you to do? I personally would set up a timed feeder. Set the feeder to go off just after sunrise. That will get the hogs used to feeding before they go off to bed down.
I don't profess to know much about hog hunting either, but how large are the groups the hogs are traveling in? If it's only a few, perhaps you and your friends could use muzzleloaders, bows or handguns. If it's more, shotguns, or try to kill the biggest ones first as they'll be the hardest to kill after hunting pressure is applied and are typically leaders of the group.

There's a fellow here called Flintknapper who hunts hogs a lot, he'll probably be along shortly.
Once the shooting starts over the bait, it will be anybody's guess as to if or when they will come back. IF you can use a bow that would be a good start especially if you have seveal folks who hunt archery. It will allow you to get more shots on more hogs before they figure out the jig is up. IF you hit one and they scatter with mot much other noise they will usually come right back. If you can use the times feeders by all means do so but also look into the hog lights which are so popular. Once they get accustomed to them they will come right on in.

If by no center fire rifle, and your allowed shotguns, I would go after them using an open choke and buck shot. Be sure to pattern it to see whee the best coverage will be. This will allow you to set up right on the max spread and be able to possibly get as many as possible with the least amount of shots.

When they get up under a feeder like this,

a good load of 00 does a great job of thinning them out pretty quickly. This is why I said to check your pattern, if you know how and where to put them you maximize your shot, especially if your elevated so you can get more concentration on individuals rather than relying on pass throughs. A two person bow stand or platform with two of you using the same loads would knock out a bunch with one salvo. You might have to track a few down for a finisher but you would be guaranteed at least 4-6 on the ground depending on your load.
I was on the SCDNR web site to verify that I was correct in my statement about weapons. Shotguns are not allowed on night hunts. This is specifically what the regulation booklet says:

There is no closed season or weapon restrictions on hogs on private land
during daylight hours. Hogs can be hunted at night with or without the aid of
bait, electronic calls, artificial lights, or night vision devices using a bow and
arrow other than a crossbow, or a pistol of any caliber having iron sights,
a barrel length not exceeding nine inches, and which is not equipped with
a butt-stock, scope, or laser sight (50-11-710). Hogs may not be hunted at
night with a centerfire rifle or shotgun, unless specifically permitted by the
department. Dogs can be used to hunt and bay hogs at night as long as the
hunter(s) complies with the equipment restrictions above.

Source : http://www.dnr.sc.gov/regs/pdf/regs1213.pdf

This limits us to what we can do. I am not a bow hunter, and really neither is anyone else in our group. The timed feeder is a good idea, could that also be done just before sunrise to the hogs go to it at first light? Then maybe we could be set up in blinds or elevated stands.

Thanks for all the replies so far!
Yes, you can do a feeder at first light but that sometimes hurts rather than helps. That is because hogs will frequently go to a feeder a half hour or so before they know it is going to go off. If you set it to go off at first light, you would need to be in the stand well before then.

Mike brings up a good point. Once you fire the first shot, the hogs will usually not come back to the feeder that day - sometimes it takes a few days for them to come back.
Smart little bastards........

I see this is going to be an all winter event. Well at least it is some kind of hunting right?
Hogs may not be hunted at night with a centerfire rifle or shotgun, unless specifically permitted by the

I would certainly look into what it takes to get the special permit. A lot of times it isn't nearly as hard as you might think. Just a thought.
Here are the regs for the special permit:

From the last day of February to July 1, upon notification to SCDNR
at least 48 hours in advance, hogs may be hunted at night with artificial
lights and night vision devices using any legal firearm, bow, or crossbow.
Notice to SCDNR is required once per season for each property and
the names and hunting license numbers of each person participating in
the hunt must be listed. Hunters using centerfire rifles during this time
must be at an elevated position at least 10 feet from the ground. Persons
convicted of certain road hunting and night hunting violations during
the previous five years are ineligible to hunt hogs at night.The required
notification system will be in place by February 2013 at www.dnr.

Source: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/regs/pdf/regs1213.pdf

I was off on the lead time. But this is when they are going to allow night hunting for hog. That is a simple process, but it will not start until next year. As of right now night hunting with any center fire rifle is not allowed.
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Get yourself an AR pistol or Draco AK and go nuts. They are rapid fire potent enough cartridges with high enough mag capacity.
Sounds like a Pistolero Picnic to me. I think I'd start with a .357 auto and work my way up. .41, .44 mags, will kill the bigguns outright. I might even try a rimfire, like a .22WMR out of a rifle. I know there's a guy on rimfire central posts some tasty looking kills, and that's what he uses to sneak hunt during the day. Some shot placement involved he says. Sure sounds like fun.
Stafer has a good point. The reg indicated a light was OK as was a pistol with iron sights. I would actually use two lights. Get a decent predator style spotlight (red beam) that you can use to illuminate the pigs. Then, I would also use a clip-on cap light to illuminate the iron sights. I have one that is green that is not supposed to be visible to wildlife. If you are hunting alone, you would need to rig up some kind of adjustable mount to hold the spotlight.
yeah, esp if I can get on an elevated stand. These are some interesting ideas. I really appreciate the suggestions. I have some time before deer season to scope it out, and then hopefully after deer season is over something can be done in earnest.

The regulations here are very open. The hogs are considered an invasive nusance specis. So day, night, bait, traps, rifles. bows, airboats, helicopters and guns...it don't matter. You need to push this to your state represenatives. Our game wardens shoot them on sight from moving boats on occasions. The only thing I think you can't do is shoot from the road.
Here are the regs for the special permit:

From the last day of February to July 1, upon notification to SCDNR
at least 48 hours in advance, hogs may be hunted at night with artificial
lights and night vision devices using any legal firearm, bow, or crossbow.
Notice to SCDNR is required once per season for each property and
the names and hunting license numbers of each person participating in
the hunt must be listed.

That isn't overly bad at all. Also gives you plenty of time to set up on some good spots, and build stands for when the time comes.

In the meantime work on them every chance you get.
We will definitely do the hunt next year. I just wanted some pointers for this fall/winter. I feel obligated, after all what this man is charging for this lease is basically near nothing.He lost more money in crop damage than we pay in lease fees. Its 400 acres that has a beautiful mix of hardwoods and plowed fields. Then running through is a nice little stream. Perfect deer habitat; cover, food, water. I'd kinda like to keep it. :D

I appreciate all the links and tips. I am reading up on all of this and hopefully will devise a plan that works. Thanks again guys!
Why wait, get in there and eliminate those vermin now. While in your stand during deer season feel free to take them out as well.
One of the hunting clubs I am in has a high hog population. We have feeders out year round on timers that go off after dawn and at about 3pm... this way they get used to the feed showing up during the daylight hours. Some say hogs are nocturnal, especially in the summer months. I get them on game camera at all times of the day even when its in the triple digit temps.

The land owner is setting large pens or single cages ?
The best way Ive found to eliminate high #'s of them is by pens with swing gates or trap doors. Ive seen as many as 30 in a catch pen after one night.