Hog hunting, Central Florida, late June?

Dave R

New member
I'll be visiting central FL (Orlando area) in late June, early July. It would be nice to get a 1-day hog hunt in. It would be me, and maybe 1-2 of my Brothers-in-Law. Are there any guides available for hogs that time of year, and in that area, that you could recommend?
Thanks for the tips. Demented, that place in Okechobee looks about right. No, its not 'too' far away. Maybe 3 hours.

Whiskey, I lurked over on Texasboars for a while, but didn't see any Florida info. Are you sure those Texans know about hunting in Florida?

If you don't mind providing some names, I don't necessarily need recommendations. Shopping is half the fun...
Wild hog has a flavor all it's own. It is delicious when properly prepared.
I do not eat the Boars. The little pigs( under 100 lbs) are the absolute best,
and the bigger sows ( 300 to 400lbs) can be prepared to taste good as well.
People tell me they can fix the boars to taste good, but so far I haven't eaten any that I cared for.
I don't hunt pig for the trophy, so generally I won't shoot the larger pigs, unless I am trying to rid a piece of property of them.
The smaller pigs are much better eating, and several of them can be frozen, without taking up a lot of space in the freezer.
After soaking them in salt water and lemon juice for 24 hours, they can be frozen with the marination sauce, and when you thaw them out, they are ready for the smoker. YUM YUM:)
I generally try to shoot them under 200 pounds. I used to butcher them, getting hams, roasts, chops etc. Now I just save the loins and get the rest ground up into sausage. I prefer Polish and Italian with a little made into breakfast. I have a stuffer so I make my own links...Mmmmmm- Good stuff...