Hog Hunting =/= 200 Yards


New member
Hello, just a quick question here. My 30-30 seems to shoot POA at 200 yards. I haven't shot it at any distances closer than that; no fun. It has the stock iron sights on it, so I can't be sure, but I know it's pretty close. My question is, when I go hog hunting this weekend and try to get up to about 50 yards or so, how low do I have to aim? Am I interpreting the following chart correctly?


I take that to mean if my rifle is shooting POA at 200, then I will need to aim about 7 inches low at 50 yards if I use WWB. Is that right?

I just want to make sure I get the suckers through the vitals for a humane kill.
How far are your sights above the bore?

That chart appears to be a 25yd zero. You'd have to calculate on a 200 yd zero.
Put up a target at 50 yards and shoot it.

That's the obvious answer, except for two things - I don't have enough ammo to spare at the range (and can't find any more) and I just now got the offer to go hunting this Saturday morning. If your suggestion was an option I wouldn't post this question.
Tricky but others may help you better. But my instincts on this, at some point between the muzzle and 200yds it would be hitting pretty high. Is it possible to shoot it at 50yds and see what happens.

Remember, as soon as
Some software data for you

Using Remington Shoot software I came up with these figures.

Assuming Remington 150 grain core lokt and using a 50 yd range but seeking a 200 yard zero, you would be 1.95 inches high at the 50 yards.

Now, as I understand it this software is designed for sighting in using a scope which is mounted 1.5" above the bore. So, your iron sights may vary some.

Hope this helps.
D.D. the reason I say "put up a target and shoot it" is because you can not take one known P.O.I. and reliably plug it into a trajectory chart. You need three known P.O.I. distances to establish a curve to plug into the chart. If you only know one point and wrongly estimate any of the other factors, your chart is worthless.
Thank you so much! I bet the difference in calculation for iron sight vs scope is too small to make that much of a difference; less of a difference than I have the skill to perceive anyway. A couple inches low it is! Thanks!
I dont think so...

According to Hornady's Leverevolution ammo (my choice), you would be somewhere between -1" and +3" at 50 yards. At the muzzle, there are -1.5", so it would not go lower than that. http://www.hornady.com/store/30-30-Win-160-gr-FTX-LEVERevolution/ - This assuming you are sighted in at 200yrds30-30 Win 160 gr FTX® LEVERevolution®
Ballistics Scrapbook

Test Barrel (24") Velocity (fps) / Energy (ft-lbs)
Muzzle 100 200 300
2400/2046 2150/1643 1916/1304 1699/1025

Trajectory (inches)
Muzzle 100 200 300
-1.50 3.00 0.20 -12.10
For a 200 yard zero with 150 grain bullets you are looking at 1.9 inches high at 50 yards & 3.5 inches high at 100 yards. These figures are from a ballistic calculator & are only an indication which have to be confirmed by actually shooting your rifle at these ranges.
In my opinion a 30/30 is more a mid range gun, with a 100-150 yard zero more useful with its trajectory.
I can't imagine shooting 200 yrds with iron sights..on a 30-30....
With a scope..yes....With iron sights..100 yds is a good shot......
That's the obvious answer, except for two things - I don't have enough ammo to spare at the range (and can't find any more) and I just now got the offer to go hunting this Saturday morning. If your suggestion was an option I wouldn't post this question.

Wait. You don't have enough ammo to spare at the range but are willing to take internet guesses on where your gun will impact for the purposes of hunting an animal? That is not the good way to assume a clean kill.

When hunters take shots at distances for which they don't know the trajectory of the rounds can explain why hunters make a lot of bad shots.

On the good side, you are at least working toward instead of away from your known. Using a ballistics calculator, looks like you need to ain about 2.75" low at 50 yards, but just over 4" at 100 yards.

Still, you should go and shoot at some distance increments to verify the theory.
You're right, it's not. And on any other day I would do the animal the justice of verifying the trajectory at different distances. But I have ten rounds left. I have no time to go to the range before this Saturday morning. I only get the chance to go hog hunting once in a while. My standing unsupported aim with iron sights likely has a decent variance anyway, but at least I am trying to determine where to hold to give that first hog the best chance at a clean death.

It's not ideal, but it's realistic.

Keg, when i say 200 yards with iron sights POA, i don't mean I can call my shots in 2 inch groups or anything. I mean, when i hold on the center of a steel ram silhouette, my wife looks through the spotter and verifies a center hit. There could be a decent amount of variance in the shot that I can't distinguish from my lack of marksmanship ability, but it is a far cry from my m1 carbine on which I have to hold two feet low and left to hit center at 200.
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I'd just lower the rear sight a notch, two at the most, and go for it. That should still fall in point blank range. My 20" model 94 is set on the 2nd notch from the rear.