Hodgdon 2024 manual is out....what a waste!


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I got a message a couple of weeks ago about the new 2024 Hodgdon reloading manual would soon be available on a certain day. So I ordered one on the very day it came out. I've been wondering about some of the new powders that have come out in the last few years and what kind of performance they would bring.
My reasons for handloading are because I can't find ammo readily available for some of the guns I shoot and if I do it's expensive and loaded with loads I'm not in favor of. Imagine if you will when I finally get my new manual and it doesn't have load data for 250-3000 Savage, 300 Savage, 7X57 Mauser, 8X57 Mauser, 458 Win mag or even 44 spl. If you are into all the newer cartridges (Legends, Buckhammers) it has them but for me it's a waste of time and money.
...doesn't have load data for 250-3000 Savage, 300 Savage,
7X57 Mauser, 8X57 Mauser, 458 Win mag or even 44 spl.
If correct, I can't imagine what is going through the authors' heads.

- 458Win Mag
- 8x57 Mauser
- 7x57 Mauser
- Both 250 & 300 Savage
- 44 Special. . .

... Are on the Hodgeon Website... so being left out of the print edition makes even less sense
The "new and improved" website, https://hodgdonreloading.com/rldc/?t=1, needs some corrective aid.

In the past, one could easily compare multiple loads with different powders with a particular bullet weight in a given caliber, printed on a single sheet of paper.

Now I can only get one load with one powder at a given bullet weight. There is a tab that allows you to add others, but it doesn't work.

I sent them an email with my analysis and the reply was thankful and they are working on it.
The "new and improved" website, https://hodgdonreloading.com/rldc/?t=1, needs some corrective aid.

In the past, one could easily compare multiple loads with different powders with a particular bullet weight in a given caliber, printed on a single sheet of paper.

Now I can only get one load with one powder at a given bullet weight. There is a tab that allows you to add others, but it doesn't work.

I sent them an email with my analysis and the reply was thankful and they are working on it.
Another prime example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I bought the Speer 14 after having and using Speer 13 for years. I was expecting by the time I purchased it to have the 327 Federal. NOPE. It eliminated out of production powders that were in #13 and wasn't laid out as clearly. I don't know who was in charge of that addition but it sucked! I have been using my Lyman 48 the most and won't buy another reloading book until I can see it! I like how Lyman recommends powders that performed best in their testing. Speer doesn't do that. The truth of the matter is we really don't need those books once we know how to reload because data is available from the powder companies directly online. I still have a lot of the older free paper booklets from Winchester, Hodgdon, Accurate, Western and IMR the 90s and wish they were still distributed in paper form because they were a nice paper reference to have for reloading.
Two thumbs down.

The Hodgdon paper manual is nothing but the same info you can lookup free.
I am NOT a fan of the Hodgdon reworked data center format. Maybe they are trying to make the free version harder to use, to sell more of the bulk paper version.
I maintain my own Excel file of loads I use so I can compare powders, and know where I got each load.
Another prime example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

It's an IT thing. They change things because they can, not because they have to. It justifies their existence. That's coming from the mouth of an IT guy I know. Also, they will take their sweet time repairing what doesn't work on the new site. It's job assurance.
I’m currently loading with Hodgdon Varget for my 300 savages. We’re also using H335 for our 222Remington. I tend to stick to my hard cover books for my loading data.
Update: My communication with Hodgdon about the frustration of only being able to get one load produced instruction to put the caliber in and hit the "load data" button.
It worked but it gave over 200 loads with every bullet weight available and all the powders
they have.
I just entered a single caliber, bullet, and powder manufacturer - skip the "add" feature.
So, e.g., .243 Win., 100 gr bullet, Hodgdon manufactuer - Get load data button, and voila! 28 loads.
I thanked the respondent and promised that I would advise you guys.
Frankly I keep a few books on hand but mainly use the apps available and pay per caliber vs buying a bunch of data I don’t need.
I have what I think are the two best references, Hornady and Sierra because they each list a lot of powders and have enough bullets that are exactly or close weight and shape wise.

Sierra was kind enough to send me the 6.5 Lapua load data when I asked (that was a new caliber to me and its not in most reloading books)

If I have questions beyond that I get it on line. I don't see a need to pay for it as I can get close enough to makes a best guess and do a run of 5 - if too low I can re-do and if too hot I can re-do. Too hot don't occur as I go ultra conservative until I get case data and velocity confirmation where I am at.
That's why I subscribed to Loaddata.com many years ago. It is the greatest resource and reference of loading data that I've found. $14.95, annually, is the value of the Century.
I don’t know about all the other ones but the 250-3000 is now just called 250 Savage . They dropped the 3k many years ago . When I got my 99 in 250-3000 I was pissed I couldn’t find any ammo until was told it’s 250 Savage now . I don’t know much about those other cartridges. Is there possibility that there’s a different name for them and abbreviated way of saying it that the manual is using . Although 44 specials seems odd that that wouldn’t be in there. I mean seriously what manual doesn’t have 44 special , that doesn’t make any sense
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The Hodgdon paper manual is nothing but the same info you can lookup free.
Thing is, some of use would rather go to our reloading library (you know... a shelf or two with books/magazines/ring binders on it for those not familiar with the concept) and look for load data on 'paper' rather than go to the computer and do searches and eventually print it out on paper anyway. That said, even though I now have that library per say, I rarely go looking as I have my 'pet' loads and sticking with them. Not going to change just because a new manual comes out or a 'new' improved powder arrives :) .

Sorry to hear the new Hodgdon manual is light on calibers and loads. But there are other references. No .44 Special is surprising. One of my favorite cartridges. Skeeter had the load covered years ago and still use it today. Plenty of other references if needed.
I agree , I love my manuals . Turns out my new favorite is the Lee manual . I know its just copied and pasted data but wow its a lot . If I can’t find a specific combo in the traditional manuals , Hornady , Sierra , Lyman I can go to lee and almost find the exact combo of components.
I have not loaded for a new caliber for many years. Have old manuals with powder and bullet combinations that have worked well for many years....thus I have no real need for a newer manual. If I did, I guess I would make sure it had those calibers I needed in it before I bought it.

I'm guessing in the case of new manuals not having specific info in them, comes down to those marketing experts comparing the cost of paper vs the demand for such. I'd bet they know more about this than what we give them credit for. We are fortunate at this time in history to have information, including tested reloading data, available on the same computer screen as we enjoy our social media on.
Libraries of real paper books is a foreign concept to todays generation. It has long been said the quickest way to win a war today is cut off all internet and computer access. The country will die in a week. When was the last time you have seen someone make change in their head? Most people simply cannot do it, they cannot do math in their heads anymore. They have trouble reading from a paper book even though they can read from a tiny screen. They don't know how to turn a page, there is no scroll button!!!
I am very happy I opened this link. I was so PO'ed when I opened the Hodgdon sight I emailed them. I told them they took the best reloading site on line and turned it into something useless. They did reply stating they worked hard on creating the new site. The Russians worked hard boring a hole miles below the surface. It now sits with a lid bolted to it. Like the Hodgdon site it is useless. I couldn't agree more with the comments of those above. Everyone needs to email Hodgdon and let them know what they destroyed.