HOAX: Mr.Perazzi a terrorist???

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Hope his lawsuit is for at least $472M. (Adams county annual budget :)
Unfortunately any suit will end up in federal court in Denver.....
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This is what happens when you let the government act this way. For those recent public school graduates who didn't get a history course - Nazi Germany did the same thing, and yet folks think it is OK to report things they have NO knowledge about to an even bigger inept bureaucracy bent on controlling everything you do, say, read, and think

This makes "1984" look tame by comparison
There's something fishy about this whole story; I posted this in the L&CR thread on this, and I'll repeat it here:

Daniele Perazzi died last November. His son, Mauro, now runs the company. Here's an obituary from Sporting Shooter Magazine.

And none of the people purportedly interviewed, including one of his attorneys and Mr. Schreiner, managed to get his name right??
There's a reason the cab driver is a cab driver.

Bingo. I also suspect that the officers who made the arrest weren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Still, before blasting them or calling them Nazi's it would be nice to see any tapes and other info that may illuminate how the Perazzi acted when confronted by the officers.
I'm sure he acted more civilly than I would have, had i been arrested for no wrongdoing, and then told to get out of the state by sundown ......

I'm with Mr. lawdog on this: The thought of a a rabid pack of razor toothed Lawyers descending upon the City and County of Denver warms the cockles of my heart, it does.......


The Progressives have won, in that they have killed my faith in the Country: When the financial house of cards that is this country collapses, I doubt if I shed a tear when places like Chicago, Denver, Detroit and San Francisco begin to burn. Liberty died in those places long ago, and the fires will just be a belated cremation.
Pure BS. The writer has already recanted the story.

Let's not fall into the trap of jumping all over something before we check the facts people.

"Breaking news" is often broken news:rolleyes:
It's a HOAX, folks.

The Perazzi company has confirmed that this is a HOAX.

from Perazzi S.p.A.

With reference to press reports concerning Daniele Perazzi's alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last Saturday in Denver (Colorado), we state that the incident is devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated.
Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States last Saturday.
The Perazzis are not involved in any wrongdoing in any way, shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings.
The Perazzi Company, contrarily to what has been reported, is very familiar with the US legislation on weapons due to its extensive presence in the American market.
Perazzi is considering to take legal action to protect the brand and the Company's reputation in the USA.

Perazzi SpA
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