HK45 compact vs USP compact 45ACP?


New member
I'm in the market for a .45 semi-auto pistol for concealed carry purposes. I'm leaning toward a Glock 30 due to the known reliability of Glock and it's competitive price. A second pistol that caught my attention after reading what others had to say about it was the HK 45 compact. Well once discovering the HK 45c I quickly took note that HK offered several compact pistols chambered for the 45 ACP.

I know that if I decide on the Glock it will simply be because of the savings that it offers. I'm debating if I should drop the extra cash and go with one of the HK compacts instead. I would totally trust either one with my life or I wouldn't even consider it as an option.

What I don't know is this. I'm not as familiar with the HK products so I'm at a loss as to which direction to go. I understand that the HK45c is made here in America. I'm not positive but I'm under the impression that the HK USP compact is made in West Germany.

Are both equally worthy of carry? The few dollars of difference between the 2 models isn't worth consideration. What I'm mainly interested in is top notch performance and absolute reliability.

Does one particular HK compact stand at the head of the line?

The reason that I ask is that I purchased a Sig P220 years ago that was made here in the USA and was very dissapointed in the number of malfunctions that the gun would experience and have since ready many other complaints about Sig 220's that also complained about reliability issues with the American made versions of the product. I fear possibly the same scenario might be the case with the HK45 and the HK45c that are made here in the States. Perhaps I'm wrong but my gut instinct is that the USP compact would be the better option so far as craftsmanship and dead on reliability though maybe not as visually refined on the surface (bells whistles) ie forward slide grasping grooves.

So what's the general conscensus regarding the comparison of the HK45C vs the USP compact? With the highest priority being placed on reliability, durability, accuracy, and overall craftsmanship?

I'm mainly interested in hearing from those of you that have extensive knowledge of the 2 HK compact models that I've mentioned here. Does either stand out as clearly superior?
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My USP Compact is a 9mm but it's not much different than the 45 model, and I love it. Comfortable, a good size, fun to shoot.

The Glock 21/30 don't really fit my hands very well. Too big.
I think the Glock models are a bit big for my preference as well. I haven't picked up a glock 30 yet though but the 21 was certainly a large grip and would be well suited for a person with a large hand. I even thought the G19 grip was a bit big and that's supposed to be their compact size. The G30 is close in size to the G19 I hear.

Does either stand out as clearly superior?

Not really. If I had a choice, I would go with the HK45c. It has the grip style of the P2000 and the slide style of the P30. Nice for carry. If I remember correctly it is a tad larger than the USP Compact version... but even still, I would take the HK45c.

I don't think you would be sorry if you chose either of them though.
Can't go wrong with glock or HK. I own both but the HK is an amazing firearm! I prefer the HK over the Glock !!
I don't know anything about the H&K45c, but I have the USP compact, and a Glock 22, both are nice, I prefer the options on the H&K USP compact, there is a de-cocking lever as well as a manual saftey. The Glock the only real saftey is you the shooter. but both are good guns. :)
Lot's of comments on the Glock vs the HK but what I'm really looking for are comments comparing the 2 HK compacts and how they rate against one another.

The HK 45 compact is made here in the USA

The USP is made in Germany. I suspect that the QC is superior in Germany than it is here in the USA. At least that was my experience with my Sig P220. I was rather dissapointed in it.

.45 Glock for concealed carry? Thats why I bought a Glock 39, makes the other Glock .45's look like giant bricks. And you get to own a .45GAP and hear the naysayers chime in about a caliber they know nothing about.
I've carried an HK USP for 10 years on duty. I've shot and tried the compact models also. Great handguns, rugged, reliable, accurate. However, I will never care for the loooonnnngggg double-action and then the sloppy single action. Also, you can't fully take it apart. And speaking of parts, it's hard to get parts and magazines. One other note, the compact model magazine baseplates slip off slightly on a regular basis when they hit the floor. So always check and tap the base forward every time you pick it up.

The Glock on the other hand has only one trigger pull to learn. Easy to take apart and easy to get parts. And lots cheaper.

While I'm at it, my favorite self-defense handgun is a 1911, but that's a different discussion.
I think the hk45 and 45c are cool looking guns but they are the same guts as the usp's. nothing has changed except for ergonomics, and more ambidexitry. The mechanical workings are the same. Now, with that being the case, i would choose the german made model any day over our american one. The USPs have been made in germany for quite some time and i am sure there manufacture has been perfected over the years. hk45 is brand new. I own a USPc 9mm. It has been 100% reliable and is built like a tank. That german steel is very nice. I would personally choose the usp.
I previously owned both the USPc45 and HK45 and HK45c. I had the USPc45 first, and this was may carry gun for a while. I found that I preferred the grip on the USPc45 over the HK45c, so that's why I bought the USpc45 first.

I was on an HK kick, and I bought the HK45c later, but then sold it later to pay for something else.

To me, the HK UPSC45 is the better way to go.
I agree with Shipwreck. The USP .45C just felt better to me than the HK .45C.

So this came home with me about 5 weeks ago. :D


You can't go wrong with either pistol OP. Both HKs are great handguns.
I would take the USP 45c personally. Unfortunately, the HK45c doesn't have the HK45/P30 style grip, but one similar to the P2000. Since this is the case, I'd take the USP since I have more experience with the USP line than the P2000 line.
I have 3 HKs; a 45c, a USP9c and a .45 expert. You can't possibly go wrong with any HK. I love the 45c but a compact USP in .45 is also great. Check and see which fits your hand best.
I have the compact USP .45 and really like the feel in my hand. I got it as the full USP is too large for my hands.

However, if I were going to a concealed carry situation, I'd be checking out the Kahr P45. It holds 1 less than the USP .45 Compact [when the Kahr has the extended mag in], true, but it feels slimmer in my hands and points a naturally as my 1911s.

I don't care for the Glock 30. I don't like the way Glocks fit my hand. I think the Glock is a great gun- just not for me.

However, I did like the way the single-stack Glock .45 subcompact fit my hand. The problem is that I actually like the way the Kahr P45 fit my hand better, and they are very similar. The Glock has a shorter trigger stroke than the Kahr. I would compare the Kahr to a revolver's DA trigger.

I really like the USP Compact .45 as well and it shoots great! I just live where it is really hot in the summer [100-116 degrees for a few weeks, 90-110 for a few months], so smaller is better for summer concealment.

I REALLY liked the M&P .45 also and wish I lived elsewhere [oh how I do!] so that I could get an M&P .45 compact. However, the M&P .45 compact is close to a USP .45 Compact in size, with the same round count. The M&P just fits my hand better. I still love my USP Compact, but the full sized M&P .45 is a better fit for my hand.

Just two other options.

Buy what you like and want. Glocks work well and the USP Compact is a fine gun. The HK 45 compact should be as good as the USP Compact, if not better for smaller hands like mine.

Or, check out the other two mentioned above for other options.
I have a USP in .45 ACP. I would like a HK45...

The USP is very nice ut the Double stack Mag makes the grip a tad too big for my tast...

I understand with the HK45 you get fewer rounds but a slimmer grip.

So I too want a HK45.
I have a USP in .45 ACP. I would like a HK45...

The USP is very nice ut the Double stack Mag makes the grip a tad too big for my tast...

I understand with the HK45 you get fewer rounds but a slimmer grip.

So I too want a HK45.
temmi is online now Report Post

With all respect, you are wrong. The mag capacity is the same.

Check out the HK website.
Lots of good advice/response here. I do have an USP 45c that has been boringly reliable. Am not a big man (just 5'8", 150 lb.) and it fits me just fine. Tried other guns at the range before I bought it some ten years ago, and its been my carry, range and home defense piece. You can't go wrong with the USP or it cousin. Just handle both and make your decision.