HK21E bbl's?


New member
Can anyone relate any recent pricing for 22" German HK21E bbl's? Trying to determine what is a recent/fair price. If anyone knows of any listings for these, and cares to post them, it'd be greatly appreciated.
The $1000 bbl's are the "aftermarket" bbl's, the original German HK ones go for more, possibly a lot more. I'm trying to get some idea of about how much more!
Yeah, the barrels for my MM 23E were about $1000 each. I remember the HK barrels were at in the $1300 range when I bought mine. That was a few years ago so I have no idea about current prices or avalibity.

get a gunsmith to machine you one from a .308 barrel blank.

Knowing how the barrels fit into these guns, I would wager that to be a big waste of time and money unless said gunsmith was already in the business of making 21E barrels.