HK USP Compact 9 or Glock 26?

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Hey all..

Going to be buying a pistol. Probably going to be used for CCW, so I don't want anything too big. Right now I'm torn between the USP9c and the Glock 26.

I really like the way the USP feels in my hand, and the placement of the controls. It feels solid, and my fingers are hit the controls very easily. On the downside, I'm not a very big guy (5'8", 145lb) and I can't see myself as able to carry the USP concealed, especially down here in South Florida (Tshirt and Jeans, Shirt and tie, no jackets) unless I resort to a fanny pack, which isn't so bad with the T-shirt and jeans, but looks kinda strange with the good clothes (not to mention it screams gun! down here).

On the other hand, I like the size of the Glock 26, but it doesn't feel quite right without a finger extension which negates a bit of the conceament edge, and I don't like the controls (I think my hands are a little smaller than they designed for, but with extended slide and mag releases I shouldn't have any problems). I'm also not too comfortable about the lack of external safety (I know. Keep your finger off the F**king trigger... I even keep my finger off the trigger when I'm playing shooters at the arcade). On the bright side, it's small enough that I could see being able to carry it discretely, and I like the idea of being able to get extended hi-cap mags for the reload.

I guess what I really want is a USP compact with an inch sawn off the grip, but since that isn't happening, I'd like to know how people who carry a USP manage it, and whether I should give it a shot, or get a Glock with a few mods.


I never liked the Glock models with the incomplete handgrips...but they are easy to conceal.

I have a Glock 23C and an HK USP Compact 9mm. You know what...I carry the USP alot more times than I carry that Glock. You want to know why? I always carry a handgun with a round in the chamber, no is senseless to carry a handgun with the chamber empty. So when I am out and about, and I happen to go to a bar or such...I have to leave my weapon in the car. I like to engage the safety of the HK when I store it in the glove box.

I carry my HK around alot in my bags also...that safety sure comes in handy. I can also conceal that USP easily with those short sleeve button up shirts when they are untucked. I use that "Galco Concealable" holster, and my freinds can never tell when
I'm carrying.

Good shooting.

Ban the bans.
I haven't carried it around too much (just got my Florida CCW permit), but I've found you can conceal a USP9 fullsize with a Bianchi Black Widow holster (rides a little higher than Unicron's Galco) in shorts and a T-shirt without too much problem (I contend with South Florida heat, too). I'm not much larger than you, Coyote (5'9" 165lbs). Of course, part of concealed carry, I'm learning, is your demeanor as well.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I have a USP-9 Compact. I too didn;t really like the Glock. I wanted something that I could fire true single action if I wanted and the HK just seemed like it was molded for my hand. The egronomic location of the safety/decocker and slide release is also perfect for me. With about 2000 rounds through the gun I have never had a FTF.

I also have the exact same holster as UNICORN. The Galco Concealable. It's great. Essentially makes the gun disappear and I often forget I'm wearing it. Of course you do have to have your shirt hanging out or be wearing a coat.

You'll soon discover that you will need several methods to "carry" depending on what you are wearing. For me, casual in the summer with shorts is a fanny pack. In the fall and winter witha coat or jacket it's the Galco holster.


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Here's a different item to consider. The finish of your carry gun. This is especially important in FLA.

After carrying a Glock 23 for about 4 years now in GA, I can attest that the Tennifer finish is impervious to sweat. I have heard that the Hostile Environment finish on HK's is not as durable.

I don't know this for fact though, I've not carried my USP40C yet. It is amazing how much sweat will get on your weapon.

Either way, you have two of the best choices and you can't go wrong.


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I believ Pearce Grips and Schearer, Pachmayer and maybe Hogue make the grip extentions. Honestly, I'd take the HK because I think it'll take a few more rounds in the mag and I'd eventually have it refinished.


Besides, I didn't become a "Senior Member" by just sitting around!
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Well, in response to the responses I've gotten so far.

I guess the issue really is if I can reliably carry/conceal the HK. I've looked at a bunch of the hoslters people suggested, and a few look like they might work.

The problem for me is that I never wear a jacket down here in florida, and with a tucked in shirt, there isn't much room to work with on my frame.

As for the gun finish, I do tend to take care of my stuff, so I'm not too worried about corrosion as both of them should be resistant. Good to hear that the glock has a hostile environment finish of sorts, as sweat y pants certainly do count as hostile.

As for magazine capacity, they both have the same magazine capacity (10+1), in fact, the Glock has the edge there since there are no legal Hi-Cap mags for the USP compact, and I could use a Hi-Cap regular glock magazine as the reload for the 26. I guess this is part of the issue. I look at the HK magazine and it's mostly empty space and I think, why not get something smaller if it's just going to be wasted space.

What do people think of the Saftey-Block thing as an alternative to the external saftey. It's a trigger block that fits behind the glock trigger, so you have to push it out of the gun before use. I was thinking that it and a gun-clip might be my best option for carry.

The Glunks are VERY fine weapons. Very reliable and well built BUT.. They are prone to AD's. In fact Glunks are know for AD's. The weapon is just not that safe with a round up the spout (are any really). In a high-stress situation you re-holster and catch the trigger BOOM. Gun falls out of the holster in a range bag and you rummage through and something catches the trigger BOOM (I know someone that actually had exactly that happen.... )
The Glunks are GREAT guns, but to error is human and I am without a doubt too error prone to tempt fate. I have a USP and like the ability to lock that gun down either in condition 1 or with that hammer down... even then accidents can happen. I think that there are more folks shot each year in AD's then there are in actual shootings.

Either weapon will be more accurate than you are, will outlast anything you throw at it ( just don't shoot lead..)and will fill the bill should God forbid you ever need it.

Hey Pat,

I also live in South Florida and I can say that CCW is just not very easy down here if you aren't dressed casually. I haven't found ANY easy carry method for all dress styles. The only realistic options (that I see) for business dress are:

1) Ankle holster
2) Pager Pal holster
3) "Deep Cover" holsters
4) Pocket carry
5) Thunderware

After trying to CCW in South Florida for a couple of years, I now find myself choosing carry guns almost entirely on ease of concealment. I would love to buy a USP Compact, but I just can't see concealing it easily.

So what do I carry down here in SF? I bought a NAA Guardian for pocket carry in shorts. It works great even with non-belt shorts and dress pants pockets. I also carry a 38 stubby. It easily fits in the front pocket of Dockers style pants. These carry types seem to work well for all of my dress styles. Now granted, I don't carry the biggest bullets or the most bullets, but I do carry bullets!


PS I have been looking at getting a G26. It isn't my favorite gun by any means, but looks good for CCW.
If your interested in a really great Kydex concealment holster don't waste your time with the knock-offs and wannabes check out M.D.Labs GunGlove holsters.The origional kydex holster maker is still the best!come check out the pics. on our online catalog.
I wear an InPants everyday and forget it's there.But if I need it...

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