HK P7M8 police trade-ins

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Greg Bell

New member

I see that there are a bunch of refurb P7's out there now. Has anyone seen them?I realize some of them have a machining mark where some police symbol has been removed. Anyway, what is wrong with these babys? Why would they trade the guns in? I hear that the guns are in quite good shape so wear shouldn't be the answer. Did some kraut shoot himself in the foot while cocking one?

[This message has been edited by Greg Bell (edited August 24, 1999).]
Also, if anyone could post what to look for when checking out a used P7M8 or P7M13, that would be great. E.g. Is there certain parts of the gun that are more prone to malfunction or break? How do you judge extent of wear on this gun?
I bought one. It has the full H&K factory warranty, as delivered via Richard Sleeva at Special Weapons Services in PA. The re-blueing job done after the police markings were milled off the right side of the slide loosens the plastic (3 white dot) sight inserts; I lost one after shooting less than 100 rounds of factory 115gr ammo. The reblue job has a slight reddish hue on the slide, but looks black on the frame. No problem with fit & function otherwise. The guns don't appear to have been shot much at all. Mine's getting refinished with Metacol III in matte black and having tritium night sights installed. Why they were traded in, I have no idea, though I heard (read) a rumor that it had to do with a "special deal" on one of the newer USP style weapons purchased in large quantity by the German police department from which the traded-in P7M8s came.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
I also have a p7m8 gp trade,the gun is mint,H&K customer service say's the gun had less than 500rds trough it, they told me the number is probaly closser to two hundred,when i first broke it to clean before shooting i could find no signs of wear,the gun apeared brand new,I had the same problem with the site inserts falling out and ordered night sight from H&K no problem as all of my carry guns have night sights except my seecamp.I have only put about 500rds through it and so far its perfact,right now its my home/bedside gun but will be primary carry once the weather cools. It's currently loaded with pmc 115g starfire HP'S
Dr. David 'Doc' Avery had them for $689 at the Austin gun show last weekend. I think he has them listed in the Gun List for $719 or $729. You can find him at George R Brown in Houston this coming weekend and he will be at Dallas Market Hall in Sept.
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