HK P7M10

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New member
Has anyone had any experience with this wepon? I really like the concept, and I'm stuck on .40 S&W. Expencive, hard to find...but are they worth it?
Yes, the P7 M10, a beefed up version of the P7 chambered for .40 Caliber. Shoots VERY well, accurate, easy to hit with, easy to clean, easy to live with. Perhaps the very best auto pistol on the planet. But not as sleek looking as a 9mm P7 because of its taller slide. Like all H&Ks totaly reliable and worth every penny... but these are pistols are hard to find, extra mags are also very hard to find. I own two P7M13s... I was caught flatfooted , just bought a Khar Lady K9 at a gun show for my Wife and then I saw the P7M10... Here in VA you can only buy one Pistol a month... Utah Highway Patrol packs the M10, but I hear they are going to change to SIG P220s due to costs and the fact the M10 is no longer made.
Magazines are very available from H&K and C&D. The gun H&KP7M10 is very large, and heavy. I would suggest you handle and if possible, shoot the gun before buying one. If it could have been packaged in the P7M8 size, it would have sold well, but proper engineering would not allow that to happen.
I definately agree with GLV... You really need to handle it first... I found it not nearly as comfortable as the P7M8 (single stack 9mm)... I think that the squeeze cocker design is great, and 9mm is much more available that .40 S&W... But I can understand you being stuck on the .40 as I really am stuck on the .45... But in the end, the terminal effectiveness of today's top rounds in 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 are very nearly the same... So go with what you feel the most comfortable with... Good luck...
Well I went to a gunshop today and asked about the M10. The guy behind the counter actually got mad, telling me that it was just TO big, and TO heavy...then proceded to tell me it was the equivolent of a cut down Desert Eagle. I'll be staying out of that gun shop for awhile!

But one thing I hve heard alot is that it is a good bit (10-15%) larger than the P7M8. Also a good bit heavier. If I can find one localy I plan to handle it, but I want to know if anyone has or knows of any pictures of one...especialy that would give me a good reference to the size. Also, anyone know the weight? with full mag prefferably.

Look forward to hearing about it!
O.k., here is some info for you:

P7M8 (9mm)
8 rounds
Weight w/o mag - 1.75 lbs.
Weight w/loaded mag - 2.10 lbs.
Overall length - 6.73 in.
Height of pistol - 5.04 in.
Width of pistol - 1.14 in.

P7M13 (9mm)
13 rounds
Weight w/o mag - 1.87 lbs.
Weight w/loaded mag - 2.5 lbs.
Overall length - 6.90 in.
Height of pistol - 5.30 in.
Width of pistol - 1.30 in.

P7M10 (.40 S&W)
10 rounds
Weight w/o mag - 2.69 lbs.
Weight w/loaded mag - 3.39 lbs.
Overall length - 6.90 in.
Height of pistol - 5.68 in.
Width of pistol - 1.30 in.

As you can see the P7M10 is a noticably larger and heavier pistol when compared to the single stack 9mm. If you are in the Los Angeles area, I can point you to a store that has both the P7M8 and the P7M10... Hope the info helps!
This is the info I have been looking for!

So its size is about the same as a 1911 with a short slide, and weight is about the same as a normal 1911. Am I correct in this statement?

I keep hearing "big gun" but never have a reference as to what a normal size is.

[This message has been edited by ShadedDude (edited 10-24-98).]
A very good point... In my opinion, a big gun is basically one that is overly large in your hand, and one that you can not carry on your body comfortably. Basically, I think that a "big gun" varies from person to person based upon hand size and stature.
I'm no fan of 9MM, and thus only own one gun in that caliber: a P7. Originally had the European model with the bottom mag release, which I offed to pick up an M8 version. I absolutely love this gun and its design, although I wish I'd stayed with the earlier model.

When HK announced the .40 I was one of the first in line to receive one. After a fairly long wait I finally got one in my hands -- and shipped it back to my distributor the next day! Compared to the nine, it was ugly, heavy, clumsy-feeling and entirely too thick. IMO, they took one of the neatest and handiest handguns ever made and turned it into a club.

I've since fired several M10s and, though they shoot well, my overall opinion of them has not changed from that initial impression. Although I'm sure their intentions were good, HK just didn't have to mess up the gun like they did.

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