HK P7 Question


New member
I have a P7M13, which I purchased used. It's great, but lately has been having some reliability problems which I believe are due to dirty gas port equipment (ie, the chamber and the plunger, are those the terms?). Anyway, I don't have the cleaning tool, but I would like to know the best way to clean the gas chamber and plunger. I'm remember someone mentioning a 7mm brass brush. What should I use, and how should I do it?

Just my $0.02, but you NEED to get the factory cleaning tool. It costs virtually nothing and does the job really well. When I first got my P7M8, I figured I'd follow the cleaning instructions and use the scraper and brush every 1000 rnds. Then I started getting jams with the pistol locking open or failing to go completely into battery. My gunsmith set me straight, telling me to clean the gas chamber every time I fired significant numbers of rounds through the pistol. After I started following his sage advice I NEVER again had a functional failure.

HK will probably send you a chamber scraping tool if you call and ask. The brush, I would sweat a bit less. I'd be comfortable using a non HK brush. I know you're right about having seen someone posting that a certain diameter bore brush will work in place of the factory brush but I cannot remember the specifics.

This is just my opinion but I really feel that taking care of your P7 will result in far fewer headaches to detract from the pleasure of using these wonderful pistols. Good luck.
Call HK and talk to one of their reps. If you get an answering machine then leave a message and they'll most likely call you back. Try ext 141.

Good luck
HK says to call a local dealer. Neither of the local dealers in Miami have the tools in stock. Any suggestions on how to clean the gas port and plunger without the tools? What tools should I use? How do I go about doing it?

Use a brass cleaning brush around .22 - .25 caliber for the inside of the gas cylinder (not piston). Try both to see which fits. Before you use the brush you can scrape the inside of the gas cylinder with a bent paper clib end to get out the major crud. Examine the inside of the gas cylinder with a bore scope or small flashlight to see if it is dirty. Clean the gas piston with a cotton cleaning patch soaked in CLP. Don't use a brass brush on the gas piston as this will wear the sharpness off the edges and make it less efficient. I follow-up with a .22 cotton cleaining patch in the gas cylinder to dry it out and get the last remaining dirt.

Also. Make sure the gas bleed hole (located in the barrel just after the fluting) is clear. Use a dental pick or bent paper clip to clean out this hoel. Mine was clogged with crud and caused excessive recoil force as it was not letting gas to go into the cylinder and retard the piston.
