HK P2000 Compact

Anyone have one?

I've not see one before, but a friend is looking at a used one.

One reason he's interested is because before he retired he carried a P2000 full size as his duty gun, which he really liked.

Price is $395, overall looks good.
Not sure what you mean. The P2000 is a compact (same size as the USP compact). There is no 'full size' P2000. There is a P2000 SK subscompact.

With that out of the way, the P2000 is my favorite hammer-fired, polymer framed pistol on the market. It's fantastic and a total tank. I recommend getting the 'slim' slide stop levers that really slim it down into a great carry package.

I will always recommend it! $395 is a hell of a price, too. I would definitely pick it up! Heck, if he doesn't want it... let me know, because I'll get a second one (unless it's in 40s&w)....

My guess, as Uncle is right, is that you mean the SK. I've owned two SKs and probably half a dozen or more regular P2000s. They're awesome pistols and at that price like Uncle I'd buy it even if I didn't need it. To me one of the most underappreciated aspects of those pistols is that they are incredibly easy to work on and have so few parts for a DA/SA pistol.

I will also add Gray Guns just as of this new year has released a short reset kit for the P-series HKs for $99 that should be a quick drop in part.
Another big fan with nothing but positives to say and I have several examples.

My only personal gripe is I don’t like the LEM guns (basically a light double action only type trigger).

Triggers are ...... well they are HK triggers. They are perfectly serviceable but certainly not noteworthy. Everything else is top notch.

I wrote this up sometime back and it apples to the SK as well.
It's a good buy at 398 bucks.

They are going for 650-700 range new depending on the set up.

The HK pistols are solid combat tools that will serve you well. Be warned though, HK customer service on the civilian side can be somewhat lacking. Serving civilians is just not their bread and butter.
My only personal gripe is I don’t like the LEM guns

That is a matter of opinion. The LEM trigger is an excellent combat trigger for professional EDC. It is not designed to simply put holes in paper.
Actually P2000s for a time could be found new for as low as $600. Looking online now and I can't find them in stock, whereas some time ago they were pretty available.

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Right and I just gave a bunch of links as well. Some do go as high as $700 sure, but why pay more when you don't have to? On what I linked I'd say the average was $650, and that was more than two stores. GunBroker prices can be pretty nutty sometimes.

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David I don't see where I am not relaxing. I simply said they could be found for less at one time, and at some stores as my links show they still can. I don't get the issue. Don't be so sensitive.

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To add to the comments on the LEM, if you find you don't like the LEM there is the V1 variant you could create from the V2 by doing some spring swaps. It makes the trigger lighter if that's your issue. There is also the Todd Green special that is in between the two variants in trigger weight. There are guides to do all of that on the HK forums. You can also convert a DA/SA series pistol to LEM, but not the other way because there is no gap in the frame for the decocker on the LEM models (the USP is tops for modularity in that area).

As a side note just because I really do like that pistol, the decocker model has about the simplest dedicated decocker I can think of in terms of parts needed. Really, that pistol is super efficient in parts.

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Outstanding guns. I just have two wish items - short reset and a single stack frame.

It’d be a great carry gun, a single stack P2000SK with a short reset.
"Not sure what you mean. The P2000 is a compact (same size as the USP compact)."

Making the straight P2000 the "full sized" version of the model and the SK the compact version of the full sized version...

Semantics, a wonderful thing!

Or, other than the P7 series, I don't know nuttin' 'bout no HKs... so yeah, I'm guessing he's looking at the SK.

He thought the price was pretty good, but wasn't sure. I'll let him know and he'll probably grab it.