HK MP5k 'shok-buff' HELP


New member
i do not know the purpose of the "shok-buff"
like in the rear of my MP5k, because it is
already "DISENTEGRATING"..are there any
replacement for this if this part is really
important? PLS HELP!!
Thank you very much...


Contact HK-USA for parts. It may be part 206689 which cost (or use to cost) $5.57, but that's for the collaspable stock.

If you're talking about the Buttcap itself (without swivel or circlip), then it's part 206416 @ $15.40.

im referring to the MP5K buttcap.
im just wondering if they are selling it as
a assembly or they are also offering the buffer

I'm looking at my MP parts manual (from HK) and it doesn't show any buffer with the buttcap. The only thing illustrated with the buttcap is the swivel with bushing (205935 @ $8.75) and 4mm circlip (971748 @ .80).

The complete buttcap for the MK5K is part #206409 @ $43.00.

It's proabably best to call H&K yourself and explain it to them. They're in the best position to help you.

i've already sent a fax message to Hk and
waiting for their response..
Im really shocked when i pinched the
white neoprene rubber when it turned like
im suspecting that it was contaminated with
a lubricant.
what do you think guys?
my mp5k is 15 years old.

I think you'll be lucky if you get HK to sell you any parts -- they're fairly stuck up about only selling machinegun parts (even the simple stuff) only to their LE dealers. I'd appreciate a post if you can get them to sell this to you, as I have a list...!

danbrew :->

I always thought H&K had an inefficient ordering department. When I went to their school in VA, I ordered some ambidextrious sling adapters and that was years ago. Never got them.

what should i do if they didnt respond to my fax message?
im planning to buy 3 pcs. of buttcap.
somebody told me that HK should be responsible enough to replace the "BUTTERED"
buffer.coz it should not happen to a
expensive gun such as MP5k.


If they don't respond, it may because you're out of the country and the licensing agreement for HK-USA may not cover the Phillipines. Suggest you ask any buddies you have over here to order it for you.

Thank you very much!
i'll just call my relative there in California.

any idea why my buffer, turned BUTTER?
Was it the original buffer and did the weapon get a lot of use? Perhaps it just wore out. Do you know what lubricant was used? I wouldn't think lube would cause a breakdown of the buffer.
I didn't realize that REY was inquiring about a REAL HK product that was purchased overseas. If this is, in fact, a real HK, your local HK distributors should be able to help you.

I can tell you from first hand experience that HK will not sell supplies to guys that have converted guns here in the US. I'm a huge HK fan and have several Registered Receiver HK guns... but they all started life off as the semi gun. HK will not honor any warranty, or perform any work on these guns. Or sell you replacement parts.

danbrew :->
Rey, don't really know. Biodegradable polymers? Could it be the cleaning solvents or lubricants along with the high humidity you have there in the Philippines. But if that's the case, Glocks would reach their phase transition point and turn gooey over there. Suggest you post the same question in the Smithy forum here at the Firing Line.