HK 91


New member
Ok I know this has nothing to do with anything, but I went to a new gun shop in my area, mostly old military surplus stuff.....good I am looking around inside and what do I spy hanging on the wall? A brand spankin new pre-ban H&K 91. :D Oh my dear sweet jesus :D this gun is absolutely gorgeous. Anyway long story short, I had my trusty visa so now its safely nestled in my safe. After I strip and clean it tonight its off to the range tomorrow, will be sure to post a report on how she does. Did I mention this gun is gorgeous? :)

Compromise is not an option

"Semper Fidelis"
Congrats Gunner, hope you got a good deal on it...those things bring a premium nowadays. I love mine...but you're going to find that your credit card's work is not done yet. Once you get an HK91 you're gonna want the scope mount, and the stock with the cheekpiece and the bipod, and the port buffer, and...
Hehe, you get the idea. ;)
Have fun with it though, and remember, it's only money...
Let us know if you need help putting the bolthead back on the carrier after you strip it for cleaning the first time :D
Congratulations on purchasing the HK. Now, pick up as many of those Pakistani magazines you can find! They were about $20 a piece a year ago and work well in the German HK.

If you disassemble it, hold the bolt carrier next to your ear and shake it. You'll hear the wolfram as it's shook.

Haare Haare, haare Krishna, Haare Haare...