HK 91: yes, no?

Have heard some bad things especially about I believe (Hesse?) you should try for the West German version.

Have friend who has one and am suprised he has not responded reinforcing his decision to pay for that black plastic piece of sh.. Just kiddin.

I have shot his and it really kicked ass. Watch out for build it yourself receivers unless you are very skilled, have heard barrel installation is a bitch?

Have seen posts saying Springfield version built in greece on Hk equipment would be next best thing to original. Hopefully someone more informed than myself will respond to help you more than I have.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON
The true HK 91's go for $1500-$2500, depending. Pretty scary.

The Hesse HK receivers are pure crap. You'll have to have a good smith go through and correct all the mistakes before its assembled. A guy on the FAL Files board described his first shoot with his complete Hesse HK as explosive.

The Federal HK receivers are as ugly as hell, but seem to be fairly sturdy.

There's another option. You could try to find a HK-91 type rifle that was made using a HK-liscenced receiver and parts. Not a "Made in Oberndorf," but better than those made in the USA. Or, final option, find one of those HK-liscensed receivers and having a smith build one using a parts kit. InterOrdnance is supposed to have some Portugese made SLG-95 receivers at the end of the month for $450.
The HK91 is a fine, robust gun. While it lacks the balance or ergonomics of the FN-FAL, it is a steady, reliable and accurate shooting gun. If you can't get a German or a Springfield Greek, go with the Portugese one mentioned above. Stay away from the American products.

BTW, when I visited HK in the US, I saw a note from a customer who went bear hunting. He wounded a bear with his bolt action the first day and the bear fled into a densely wooded area. Wisely, he chose not to follow and returned the next day in hopes that it was dead. He also choose his HK91 instead of his bolt action - complete with 20 round magazine. Well, he went in and Mr. Bear was still alive, still smarting from his wound, and still very angry. He charged his assailant who opened up with the HK. Several quick shots from the HK put Mr. Bear down and the hunter credited it with saving his life. HK posted the letter to support that theirs was truly a sporting gun.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I bought the Springfield (Greek) model, and I have never been happier with a semi-auto. If you really don't give a poop about the "Assault weapons" ban, or you don't plan on committing any mass-murders, go all out and get rid of the POS thumbhole stock, and get yourself the PSG-1 grip. Putting a scope on it wouldn't be a bad idea either. The claw-lock mounts keep the zero surprisingly close. Remnants of golf balls from 100 yds will attest to that. Bottom line, if you can find/afford a true HK, by all means go with it. If not, you definately won't go wrong with the Springfield.
Be kind of like buying a Ford Probe because you couldn't afford a Porsche. You absolutely get what you pay for with Heckler & Koch. The workmanship is superb.

Put out the extra bucks and get the real deal, you will not be disappointed. Secondarily, your H&K will appreciate in value, whereas your Hesse clone H&K will only be worth about what you paid...if you're lucky.

[This message has been edited by Paul Revere (edited October 25, 1999).]
I have a Springfield SAR8 and I love it. Recoil is so much lighter than my M14 I can't believe they shoot the same caliber (no exaggeration - I was surprised myself). Very accurate. Almost as accurate as my M14 - but I need more time to shoot it as I only shot about 20 rounds through it.
Handles beautifully (from what little I shot) BUT much is attributed to replacing the POS thumbhole stock, PSG-1 trigger and grip as well. Incredibly happy with mine! Should have bought this before the M14 but not that I have both I would never (almost never) give up either rifle.
I wouldn't mind getting a genuine HK91 or SR9-T though!