HK 91 stiff


New member
K, I got a HK 91, well it's not the real one, its a centorion upper and a hesse lower. When I bought this rifle on guns america I really didn't know what I was going to get. What I got was a surplus rifle that was greased to the gills. I couldn't even break it down because it is so tight, stiff and just plain clumsy.(good thing I have rubber mallet)

I am at the point now where I am going to the gun show to gouge a sucker for 1600 bucks.
Just keep the rifle and make it automatic.
So my questions is how can make this automatic via backdoor?
Perhaps humping that mortar has affected your thought patterns.

Converting a rifle from semi-auto to full auto is a felony. Taking advantage of others by selling items you know are not working properly is unethical at best. Thinking you can get $1,600 for a rifle that commonly sells for far less is just plain foolish.
nahhhh really it's illegal? (overly sarcastic)

Wow you are a genius lets give both of you the nobel prize for being captain obvious.

Actually I have buyers willing to pay my price for my nasty HK91 CLONE. Economics 101 SUPPLY AND DEMAND-look it up.

On a serious note, I know it can be done to the trigger group I just want to know what part to file down etc.

If you don't like what I am saying then WALK.
K, I got a HK 91, well it's not the real one, its a centorion upper and a hesse lower. When I bought this rifle on guns america I really didn't know what I was going to get. What I got was a surplus rifle that was greased to the gills. I couldn't even break it down because it is so tight, stiff and just plain clumsy.(good thing I have rubber mallet)

I am at the point now where I am going to the gun show to gouge a sucker for 1600 bucks.
Just keep the rifle and make it automatic.
So my questions is how can make this automatic via backdoor?

nahhhh really it's illegal? (overly sarcastic)

Wow you are a genius lets give both of you the nobel prize for being captain obvious.

Actually I have buyers willing to pay my price for my nasty HK91 CLONE. Economics 101 SUPPLY AND DEMAND-look it up.

On a serious note, I know it can be done to the trigger group I just want to know what part to file down etc.

If you don't like what I am saying then WALK.

Doode. You are obviously asking for help in committing a felony in the wrong forum. That's just dumb iffin ya asks me. *walkin.....