HK .40 Compact Vs Colt Commander .45


New member
Need advice which one to get for CCW........The HK is a SS .40 with night sights......The other is a SS Combat Commander ala 1996 an enhanched model....... both guns slightly used and are both shooters...Help me out
If you're just going to shoot it, get the HK. If you're going to carry it, get the HK. :D

You could get the Colt, but then you'd just want the HK. :p
I have a satin series 70 Colt Commander that is a real nice pistol, and I also have the H&K .40 Compact. I really enjoy shooting them both and they are very accurate...8+1 in 45...10+1 in 40S&W........ I am carring the H&K... but only because it has the trijicon night sights. BUY BOTH!
The advantage of the Colt is that it is much thinner then the HK, therefore it will conceal much easier, however being single action it's less safe to carry with one in the pipe and the hammer back.

Also, you're comparing .40 to .45 (why not look at the HK USP 45 in compact?)
Or are you talking about an HK P7M10 in .40?

If you're talking about the P7 and its the same price as the Colt then either it's a steal or the Colt is way over priced :) but then I'd go with the P7.

Damn these there any way you can swing getting both? :D