Hitting The Liberal Hypocrites Where It Hurts


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Upcoming movie based on the NYT Bestselling Book "Do As I Say"

Movie trailer here:

To make the film, Tucker and Abel drove across the country on a quest for hypocrites in socialist clothing. An intrepid two-man investigative team, they went undercover at Nancy Pelosi’s vineyards to see if the House’s decorated labor advocate is the sort of employer she advises others to be. They traveled to Michigan to confront Michael Moore about his Halliburton and Honeywell stock. They talked politics with college students at UC Berkeley, visited Arkansas to reconstruct the Clintons’ shady real-estate dealings, and searched for the Pentagon employee who signed Noam Chomsky’s paychecks. Living lean on a shoestring budget, single-mindedly hunting for answers, Tucker and Abel took their camera where no hypocrite wants it to go.

The results are enough to compel millions to choose between their ideals and their leaders. Because if there is one thing Americans can’t abide, it’s a hypocrite.
Unfortunetly there are tons of Hyprocites on both sides of the aisle, they all talk out of both sides of thier mouth, and are two faced.

If there is no difference between them (as you are claiming), why don't you just vote for Obama and get over with it?
In the next eight years, up to three Supreme Court Justices are expected to retire; so why not let's just help Democrats and President Obama to select three more Ruth Bader-Ginsburg ACLU-type lawyers to replace them. Then we'll see if Heller Vs. DC will get overturned or not and if you are right about the fact there is no difference between hypocrites on the left and right.
Incitatus: I actually hope it goes beyond just replacing three justices. If there is a filibuster proof majority in the senate the democrats should look into the impeachment of those justices that supported Bush's illegal activities.

Of course the dems are scared bunnies so I think I'm safe in saying that's just a pipe dream.
What bothers me worst about the liberal hypocrisy is that there's apparently nowhere you can hit them where it hurts enough. They're still there. People will still kiss their feet no matter how far they ruin this country. No matter how many times they shoot themselves in the foot, they still are standing. They just won't go away!!!!!!!!:mad: