Hitler quote - Urban Myth?


New member
I have heard some say that this quote from Hitler was on the Urban Myth board. I don't trust that board, they have stated some known truths as "myths". Here is the first time I have seen this quote with a referrence. Maybe this will help people discover if it is an accurate quote:

Adolf Hitler: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a
civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our
police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead." (Chancelor's
Speech, 1935)
While we're at it, here are a few more quotes from Hitler and some other respected leaders of past and present (sarcasm).

Adof Hitler: "The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the
subject peoples to possess arms. So let's not have any talk about native
militias." (Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-44, Farrar, Strauss and
Young, 1953)

Mao Tse Tung: "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The
communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be
used to command the party." (Problems of War and Strategy, Nov 6 1938,
published in "Selected Works of Mao Zedong," 1965)

Diane Feinstein: "US Senator, If I could have banned them all- 'Mr. and Mrs.
America turn in your guns' -I would have!" (Statement on TV program 60
Minutes, Feb 5 1995)
From: Ivan8883 6-29-99 929PM EDT Hitler was ,of coarse,by our definition a dictator. But we must be accurate in our historic perpective. That quote never came from Hitler,and,compared to Stalinist Russia,Third Reich gunlaws were quite liberal. German citizens were allowed to own personal firearms.I have not been able to find any real anti-gun laws promulgated by the Third Reich. After the war ,many of the arms the GI's brought back were confiscated from private German citizens who had owned them legally for years. Unfortunately for the Germans, Hitler was so popular among the masses that he didnt need any anti gun laws. And he was so popular among the German common soldiers that they fought on right to the bloody end. And ,of coarse , this was also unfortunate,but true. Also there is a misconception that the Nazis confiscated all the guns in occupied Europe from the civilians. In Western European countriessuch as France, the Milice(Militia) was heavily armed to help fight Communist guerillas.Even in Greece, supossedly a stronghold of anti -German guerillas, there were thousands of Greek volunteers in the German Army(Security Batallions) police,and even SS.There were also organized militias in Greece that were armed by German occupiers. I have pictures of Greek Evzones(Greek mountain troops) parading before German officers. The Greek collaborationists actually did more of the fighting against Greek Communists than the Germans did. I brought up the WWII situation in France and Greece to show that ,when it came to gun policy, the Nazis were not in the same league as Stalinist Russia where the Red Army confiscated all types of weapons from occupied nations. We can criticize The Nazis on a ton of things,but it looks to me that the facts show that they were pikers when it came to gun control.They knew the Jews were basically defenceless and took advantage of this fact. Sad but true.
The Gun Control Act of 1968 was based on Hitlers gun laws. Somehow, Senator Dodd,(the father, not the son)got hold of these laws, and used them. There was anarticle in GUNS AND AMMO magazine a few years ago that brought all this out.
I also saw a thread on a forum, by someone who claimed he was there and heard Der Fuhrer say the remark. personally, I think he did say it.
Paul B.
From: Ivan 8883 6-30-99 1209AM EDT Maybe Hitler did make that comment in a speech.He sure was no paragon of freedom. But the fact remains that there were many German armed non Germans in occupied Europe. Some were police,some were militias fighting the hated Communist guerillas especially inGreece and France, and some were volunteers fighting in the WaffenSS on the eastern Front. Stalin was much more of a gun grabber than Hitler who in fact admired Stalin for his(Stalins) ruthlessness indestroying all his enemies. Sounds familiar in the late ninties.
Whether Hitler said that quote or not is really irrelevant today. Our political contemporaries have plenty of quotes that would cause our Founding Fathers to roll over in their respective graves. The connection as I see it, is the uses of registration to disarm the people, and thereafter enslave and murder them. Why should we need Hitler to tell us that's what we have in store if we all don't get off our respective butts?

Need I remind everyone that we live in America under the United States Constitution! And no matter what Sarah Brady, or Janet Reno, or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore say, we the people have a Bill of Rights. If you concentrate on reading the quotations of our Founding Fathers with respect to the people's right to keep and bear arms, everything the left wingers are saying now will eventually call to arms the standing militia of "WE THE PEOPLE" to take our government back.

All freedom has a cost. It's priceless to me. Anyone else out there with me?
there is a nice quote comparison between the Lautenberg letter from the BATF director and the Nazi German Jewish weapon ownership regulation in Claire Wolfe's new book
"Don't shoot the bastards"

here is some Lautenberg:
(December 5, 1996) -- BATF Director John W. Magaw has issued an open letter demanding that any person who has ever committed a
"domestic" misdemeanor "immediately lawfully dispose of their firearms and ammunition." Failure to comply can subject the firearms
possessor to "criminal penalties [and] seizure and forfeiture."

Magaw goes on to recommend that firearms and ammunition be turned in to "a third party, such as their attorney, to their local police
agency, or a Federal firearms dealer."

Gee i don't have a BIG problem with american laws being based on Nazi practices

do you?


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited June 30, 1999).]
Another quote that is probably not correct is the George Washington quote to the effect...government is like fire, a fearfull servant and a terrible master...

I've heard that this can't be reputably traced to GW.

The best source on Nazi-period German gun laws is Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They can send copies of the Gun Law of 1938, original German and translation. BTW, it does say, in effect, that Jews cannot purchase weapons. I wonder why?

dZ, turn the guns into their attorneys? Hmmm, I kind of like the idea of having all of my client's guns...

As for the Hitler and G. Washington quotes, I say they're "true until proven false". That's the methodology the antis use.
Steve Koski, you have posed a good question and the answer is unequivocally YES.

If I am willing to kill for my rights (I am) and willing to die for my rights (I am if necessary), then yes I am also willing to lie to the sheeple if necessary to win back/keep these precious freedoms and make our nation great again. As it happens, fortunately, I do not have to lie, as all the legal and prudential arguments happen to weigh strongly in favor of us freedom advocates (it's just a matter of getting the message across). However, as the masses are in fact quite short-sighted and well, let's say "uninformed" as a group, then yes, absolutely, for the good of the country and our future generations, "bald-faced" lies will do far more good than harm. This is one case of the end justifying the means - not ANY means, mind you, but lying if necessary, yes. It's for the sheeple's own good. Lying is actually something I quite averse to, and anyone who knows me can tell you my honesty and integrity is well above the norm. But with some things (civil liberties), the stakes are so high that I'm willing to go against my normal beliefs for the greater good (as I said, if I am willing to KILL for my rights - something I am loathe to do ordinarily, then lying is but a small price). Again I must emphasize that lying is rarely if ever needed when you're on the side of truth and good sense, as we are. I should add the the ONLY reason I see not to lie -if necessary- would of course be to maintain impeccable credibility (obviously, exposed lies weaken credibility). This is an extremely strong reason and ought to be weighed at every juncture. But with "urban myths", how can one be exposed as propogating a lie until such time that the legend is proven a lie? If you can put the ball in the antis' court, I say do it!

You are of course right that the antis perpetuate bald-faced lies, chief among them this crap about the RKBA being limited to state militias, not an individual right - that idea, which did crop up in a few lesser court opinions and law review articles, has been shattered by several supreme court opinions and the vast weight of scholarly articles.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 01, 1999).]
Futo: I'm real lazy, and have always operated by the premise that if you don't lie, you don't have to remember what you said.

Not wanting to open the worm-can about ends justifying means, I'll merely offer the caveat that you make damned sure your audience cannot ever find out it was a lie...

Being an engineer, I'm prone to deal in numbers--and factual numbers from reasonably unimpeachable sources are almost invariably supportive of our side in the argument...

Best regards, Art
Stoic, you've got it right.

Art, I'm right there with you, and I too am too lazy (and forgetful) to remember lies, that's why I operate by the principle "it's not a lie if you believe it". So before I reiterate any marginally truthful statement, I will convince myself it's a veritable fact. That's a useful skill for litigation.
Hey, if Hitler didn't say it, then who did?

We are selling ourselves short if we don't search the writings/speeches of such statemen as Goering, Himler, and all those others who so enthusiastically pursued maximum efficiency in establishing and maintaining order.

There must always be order!