hit 9 times, twice in the head and apparently having no problem (Rapper 50 Cent)

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Para Bellum

New member
That's what you can read about the rapper "50 Cent" on www.imdb.com:

50 was shot nine times that night, two shots hitting him in the head, the bullet that struck his face he carries as a reminder of what happened.

50 is still alive and seems fine and not affectec at all. Does anyone have more information on that shooting like where he was hit and what with? Being all fine after nine hits, two of which in the head is quite remarkable, isn't it?
just goes to show...

...if there's nothing between the ears, then what isn't there can't be damaged. :D

50 cent is rapper. I LOATHE his "music". Thank God that Middle Son now has his own apartment and car and I don't have to listen to it. Youngest Son likes alternative rock.

It does, however, remind us that handguns are not the "shoot twice and they automatically drop dead" of movies and TV.

50 cent.

Have you ever listened to what he spews out and calls music?

Do so and tell me he has not been affected adversely by being shot.

Word to your mother...:barf:

I don't have a source at the moment, but IIRC, he was only hit 3 times out of the nine, and after the shooter left, 50 Cent and his buddy drove themselves to the hospital. There was a thread about this awhile back, I'll try and find it.
I only ask that you consider being sure that your shooting glasses come high enough to cover the tops of your eyebrows, things can happen that you might never think possible.

Jackson, Mississippi, circa 1990...guy in a bar starts harrassing a young lady. Two men convince him to leave her alone before the bouncers get involved. No violence...nice end to an otherwise bad day.


The two good Samaritans leave the establishment, drive to an ATM to get some cash, not knowing the fellow whose fun they had disrupted was waiting in the parking lot for them. Followed both to a bank on Lakeland Drive in North Jackson, where the ATM is in a vestibule that requires you to leave your vehicle to make a withdrawal. GS no. 1 gets out, walks towards the ATM, bad hair day guy pulls up, gets out with Glock in hand intent on causing GS problems. GS no. 2, sitting in truck sees this, opens glove box, removes his OWN Glock, calls a warning to his friend, and is greeted by bad hair day guy pointing a pistol at him. No. 2 fires one round which strikes bad hair day guy's pistol, disabling it. (Bad hair day guy soon realizes that being in a gunfight with a disabled firearm is a BAD thing...as soon as four more rounds of nine mil follow COM.) Takes off towards his vehicle. No. 2, adrenaline rush full on, follows and continues to fire, all rounds striking BHDG in various and sundry places. BHDG makes it to his vehicle, and makes what appears to No. 2 to be a "reaching under the seat motion". No. 2 then fires yet another round through the windshield into BHDG. BHDG is STILL moving around in the vehicle. No. 2 walks around the back of the vehicle, and fires one last round through the back window, thus ending the confrontation. Round entered behind the right ear of BHDG, exited from the corner of his left eye. The ONLY thing that saved No. 2 from a loooong stint in prison was the fact that when the police arrived, they found a Mac within reach of BHDG's outstretched hand. Not sure of what type ammo was used, but I sure would like to know so I could avoid it. BHDG is STILL driving around Jackson (my brother used to work with him) after taking fourteen rounds, at least four COM and one a through and trough head shot.
meanwhile, weightlifting marine cops wearing class III vests can get shot in the arm with a .22 which manages to peirce all his vitals multiple times while bleeding out internally and die before an ambulance can arrive...Life's weird like that, just goes to show that when it's your time, it's your time.
"Rap artist" is an oxymoron

Moral of the story:
Bullets do funny things when they encounter the human body at high speed; they do not always do the same funny things - it can be a different funny thing every time.

For those unfamiliar with 50 cent, he is an inner city thug who contributes nothing to America, yet drives around in Rolls Royces as a result of stupid people buying his "music" which glorifies gang activity, "thugging", drug trafficking and use, violence and treating women like sperm bank recepticles (hey, I don't know him from Adam, this is just my guess - how am I doing?:D ).
it's open season on rappers?? why was i not told?? what's the limit??
i gotta go clean my .357.... is that enough gun to take this kind of game??:D :D
On May 24, 2000 50 Cent and an associate, 22-year-old Alton Brown, were sitting in a parked car in the Jamaica section of Queens, when an assailant pulled up beside them in and fired nine shots with a 9mm handgun. 50 Cent was wounded once in each leg and once in the jaw. Brown, wounded in the hand, drove himself and 50 Cent to a nearby hospital. This incident led to the widespread urban legend in the media and the pop music fanbase that 50 Cent had been "shot nine times." Technically he was shot at nine times, and hit three times.

Only hits count. :rolleyes:
Bullets do funny things when they encounter the human body at high speed

with all due respect, I wouldn't call that a "funny" subject. "Funky" maybe.

Legs and jaw? OK, that sounds pretty normal then.
prime examples of why you should carry a .45 and with the new xd 45 you can have 27 rounds with the xtra mag. thats alot of fire power. 9mm is for plinking.
yeah, that new xd seems awefully tempting...specially with all the crap that comes with it all for about 500 (i believe)...I've been thinking about getting a .45 for a little while and I'm torn between a plastic one or a real 1911 (mmm...kimber). any 1911 aficianados here know whether it's worth it to get a doublestack 1911 or just stick with the tried and true 7 rounds. Are doublestacks inherently less reliable somehow? Can you get a doublestack gun with singlestack width?
hit 9 times, twice in the head and apparently having no problem

Ummmm Yea... Anyway so called "Gangsta Rap" has done more harm to the African American Community then the KKK. I bet the true story was that he took a bullet or two in a non-vital area, but getting shot 9 times w/ two in the head sells more Albums. :cool: Peace
I agree 100% with steelheart....+10.:D I loathe "rap crap" and everything it stands for. Not surprising that Black males make up 7% of the population, but commit 50% of the homicides. I know this is off topic, but I had to say my 2 cents.:D

PS....I'm a 100% country-fied redneck, guns and gears.:D :D
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