History repeats


Staff Alumnus
In JR Nyquist's column on WND, the following tidbit appears:

Can the Yugoslavs be trusted to abide by an agreement which has been imposed on them by brute force? The Serbs do not like the agreement. Of course, the Yugoslav generals went back to the negotiating table on Wednesday and signed on the dotted line, and Russia's diplomats finally agreed to a draft resolution for the U.N. Security Council, but nobody is saying they're happy about it.

Anyone besides me remember what happened last time an aggressive country was forced to sign a treaty against their will?

Think 75 years ago.

Think Versailles.

G*d help us.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
I guess you could call me "Historically Challenged" as I can not relate to what you are saying.

Would you please elaborate on "Versailles"?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty signed to end WWI. Hitler capitalized on the hardships created by the Treaty to rise to power.
What MGB said.

Simply put, if you humiliate an entire country, like the Allies did to Germany after WW-I, you can expect that country to hold a nasty grudge.
In WW2, the Serbs gave a total of 700,000 German troops one hell of a bad time through guerilla warfare. What in hell does NATO think now? That they will be good little boys?
I'm willing to bet there will be numerous snipings, bombings, and murders of the occupying forces, just as they did in WW2.
As in Viet Nam, how can you tell the good guys from the bad guys. They all look the same.
Paul B.
A very, very general observation: Not only here in this forum, but at tradeshows, beer-joint discussions, and "just folks" talking here and yonder around the country, those who tend to be against the NATO actions in Kosovo are those with the most knowledge of history, and an appreciation of its lessons.

Those few I've found who are supportive of the NATO actions are often startled at any recitation of the political background of the Balkans...

I note that the Serb army, while relatively poorly equipped, has soldiers who have been in a fair amount of combat of one sort or another for several years, now. What do you think their mental attitude is, as compared to our GI "Peacekeepers"? I read that they believe they are in a serious political squabble over their Homeland, their Alamo.

I have also read that for several years, we have had a shortage of live-fire training in our Army. Would anybody more knowledgeable than I care to comment on the probable smallarms counterfire by our troops against Serb snipers?

I've always been in favor of starting over in the region, a kinda modern day noahs ark. you take like 100 individuals for each ethinic group out, 50 male 50 female. Then nuke the region, and start over in like 50 million year. I suggested it back in '95 when the serbs and the bosnian had their problems I suggested it in January when the Kosovo thing started to see the light of day, I will suggest it again in 4 years when Milosevic goes after Montenegro (you heard it here first folk) To much history for anyone to solve.
I am in favor of the NATO action, because I ate all the propaganda about the kosovars wanting us there. Although it means that we will forever have people stationed in the balkans, it will prevent make milosevic think twice about montenegro. cuz we all know thats what was next

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
The solution is to leave it alone.Nobody including Ghengis Khan to Adolph Hitler could win in Yugoslavia. We cant either.I also think NATO can expect another education. We should get our troops out now.

Better days to be,

Depends on your definition of "winning." Vast areas of Central Asia where Genghis Khan "won" are underpopulated wastelands even today. Genghis was a pragmatist. He had a simple policy. Surrender immediately or be totally exterminated.
Hey, Chink! My problem with your argument is that when we sent troops to Bosnia for a one year deal, five years ago, it was to stop Croats from killing Serbs. As it was, the Croats ran some 200,000 or 300,000 (depending on whose numbers you believe) Serbs out of Croatia/Bosnia.

Now we're allied with the KLA, the de facto "government" of Kosovo. The KLA has been financing their rebellion by becoming the primary heroin/cocaine handlers for southern Europe. Great bunch. Politically, the KLA "fired on Fort Sumter", beginning a civil war inside a sovereign nation.

Aren't the Montenegrans Serbs? Aren't they an autonomous state, part of the Serbian complex? Milosevic may be a bad guy, but only toward non-Serbs. To repeat, in Kosovo, he has been cruelly putting down an effort of Secession.

I hate to perturb anybody's sensibilities, but Milosevic's troops have done no more barbarism than was done by Mr. Lincoln's armies down below the Mason-Dixon line. Read about Sherman's rape of Atlanta, and his march through Georgia. The march was tactically brilliant. It also left a larger area than Kosovo without houses or food.

From: Ivan8883 6-17-99 645PM EDT This attitude that lets just destroy them allwhich the Klintinistas and their NWO Lackeys in Western Europe and Amerika have fostered on Iraqis, Afgans, Sudanese, Serbs(who is next?) will come back to haunt US and her Nato(rread Franks as Eastern Europeans know Germans French and Brits) Serbia is not defeated,her Army is intact, and she, with Russia as ally will watch while Nato Imperial Forces battle Kla who will bite the hand that feeds them as Kla attempts to create greater Albania. Hopefully Russia will be able to reinforce airport and hold gold mines and northern Serbia for Serbian people. I think pressure will be brought to bear on corrupt Bulgarian and Romanian governments by masses in those countries to allow Russia to reinforce airport. Nwo is not in the good interest of any freedom loving nations anywhere. Good grief! What are German troops doing in Yugoslavia? Hopefully these mercenaries from Nato are not going to fare any better than their Grandfathers inWWII. Ivan
I'll say it again...

It was a mistake to get into it at the beginning and an even bigger one to stay in it.

What has really changed? Milosivic got pretty much the same deal he had at the beginning, he got NATO to kill off some of his people, and he's going to get our money to help rebuild. Yeah, that's a BIG WIN for our side. Plus, come the fall and moving into winter, do you really think things wont flare up again.

The first time a squad or platoon of Marines get's shot up, or blown up, you and I both know what will happen. Same thing that happened in Beruit, Somalia, Haiti, etc... American GI's will come back home, tail between there legs. Not meaning any slight of the military but we are almost to the point of the paper army of the 70's again, aren't we. And I'm sure if we told them to go get the bastards and make sure they loose, they would give it a good try, as long as the politicians stayed out of the way.

So you could look on the bright side, this should be happening during prime campaign time. The Republicans will probably take the majority of seats and probably the President, not that they have the guts anymore to stand up for the Constitution and what is right.

And IVAN, the space key and return keys are good things. You might have valid points somewhere in your posts but I sure as hell aint going to read through your run-on sentences. No offence...

Live free or die...

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited June 17, 1999).]
Ref Mr. Lincoln's armies marching (burning) their way thru Georgia.

You okay, Bubba!!